Sanjaya Malakar
Cheek To Cheek

Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

Heaven, I'm in heaven
And the cares that hung around me through the week
Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

Oh I love to climb a mountain
And reach the highest peak
But it doesn't thrill me half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek

Oh I love to go out fishing
In a river or a creek
But I don't enjoy it half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek

(Come on and) Dance with me
I want my arms about you
The charms about you
Will carry me through...

To heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing, out together dancing,
Out together dancing cheek to cheek

Mirror lyrics:

Out together dancing cheek to cheek
When we're out together dancing, out together dancing,
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
To heaven, I'm in heaven

Will carry me through...
The charms about you
I want my arms about you
(Come on and) Dance with me

As dancing cheek to cheek
But I don't enjoy it half as much
In a river or a creek
Oh I love to go out fishing

As dancing cheek to cheek
But it doesn't thrill me half as much
And reach the highest peak
Oh I love to climb a mountain

When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
And the cares that hung around me through the week
Heaven, I'm in heaven

When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
Heaven, I'm in heaven

Relevant Tags:
CCheek TTo CCheek heek o heek hCeek oT hCeek fheek fo fheek fCheek fTo fCheek Cfheek Tfo Cfheek xheek 5o xheek xCheek 5To xCheek
Cxheek T5o Cxheek vheek ho vheek vCheek hTo vCheek Cvheek Tho Cvheek dheek yo dheek dCheek yTo dCheek Cdheek Tyo Cdheek Chheek 6o Chheek
Ceek 6To Ceek Cehek T6o Cehek Cjeek go Cjeek Cjheek gTo Cjheek Chjeek Tgo Chjeek Cueek ro Cueek Cuheek rTo Cuheek Chueek Tro Chueek
Cneek Too Cneek Cnheek T Cnheek Chneek To Chneek Cbeek Tk Cbeek Cbheek Tko Cbheek Chbeek Tok Chbeek Cgeek T9 Cgeek Cgheek T9o Cgheek
Chgeek To9 Chgeek Cyeek T0 Cyeek Cyheek T0o Cyheek Chyeek To0 Chyeek Cheeek Tl Cheeek Chek Tlo Chek Cheek Tol Cheek Chsek Ti Chsek
Chseek Tio Chseek Chesek Toi Chesek Ch3ek Ch3ek Ch3eek Ch3eek Che3ek Che3ek Chfek Chfek

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