Nothing Is What It Seems (without You)

You look like you're letting go
I know that you won't call on me
You look like you're letting go
I know what my instincts are telling me
And you're fading out
It's so hard without you
This wasn't my fault

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
This is all that I remember before you changed
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
Without you next to me

Sometimes it feels like home
So safe in the shade
But when the summer fades
There's always something missing
And now that I'm on my own
I know why you just
Just couldn't stop
And why you had to leave
It's so hard, without you
This wasn't my fault

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
This is all that I remember before you changed
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
Without you next to me

I never imagined I would feel so lost
I never imagined it would be so hard
I never imagined I would feel so lost
I never imagined this would be so hard

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
This is all that I remember before you changed
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
Without you next to me

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
This is all that I remember before you changed
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
Without you next to me

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

Mirror lyrics:

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

Without you next to me
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
This is all that I remember before you changed
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

Without you next to me
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
This is all that I remember before you changed
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

I never imagined this would be so hard
I never imagined I would feel so lost
I never imagined it would be so hard
I never imagined I would feel so lost

Without you next to me
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
This is all that I remember before you changed
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

This wasn't my fault
It's so hard, without you
And why you had to leave
Just couldn't stop
I know why you just
And now that I'm on my own
There's always something missing
But when the summer fades
So safe in the shade
Sometimes it feels like home

Without you next to me
I'm all alone and nothings what it seems
You're stuck in the dream with next to nothing
This is all that I remember before you changed
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

This wasn't my fault
It's so hard without you
And you're fading out
I know what my instincts are telling me
You look like you're letting go
I know that you won't call on me
You look like you're letting go

Relevant Tags:
NNothing IIs WWhat IIt SSeems ((without YYou) othing s hat t eems without ou) oNthing sI hWat tI eSems w(ithout oYu)
mothing js ahat jt zeems (wwithout gou) mNothing jIs aWhat jIt zSeems (ithout gYou) Nmothing Ijs Wahat Ijt Szeems (iwthout Ygou)
hothing 9s 3hat 9t weems (aithout hou) hNothing 9Is 3What 9It wSeems (awithout hYou) Nhothing I9s W3hat I9t Sweems (waithout Yhou)
jothing ls dhat lt deems (3ithout 6ou) jNothing lIs dWhat lIt dSeems (3without 6You) Njothing Ils Wdhat Ilt Sdeems (w3ithout Y6ou)
bothing os ehat ot eeems (dithout uou) bNothing oIs eWhat oIt eSeems (dwithout uYou) Nbothing Ios Wehat Iot Seeems (wdithout Yuou)
Noothing ks shat kt xeems (eithout 7ou) Nthing kIs sWhat kIt xSeems (ewithout 7You) Ntohing Iks Wshat Ikt Sxeems (weithout Y7ou)
Nkthing 8s 2hat 8t aeems (sithout jou) Nkothing 8Is 2What 8It aSeems (swithout jYou) Nokthing I8s W2hat I8t Saeems (wsithout Yjou)
N9thing us qhat ut (2ithout tou) N9othing uIs qWhat uIt Sems (2without tYou) No9thing Ius Wqhat Iut Seems (w2ithout Ytou)
N0thing Iss Whhat Itt Ssems (qithout Yoou) N0othing I Wat I Sseems (qwithout Yu) No0thing Is Waht It Sesems (wqithout Yuo)
Nlthing Iz Wjat If S3ems (wiithout Yku) Nlothing Izs Wjhat Ift S3eems (wthout Ykou) Nolthing Isz Whjat Itf Se3ems (wtihout Yoku)
Nithing Iw Wuat I5 Sfems (wjthout Y9u) Niothing Iws Wuhat I5t Sfeems (wjithout Y9ou) Noithing Isw Whuat It5 Sefems (wijthout Yo9u)
Notthing Id Wnat Ih Srems (w9thout Y0u) Nohing Ids Wnhat Iht Sreems (w9ithout Y0ou) Nohting Isd Whnat Ith Serems (wi9thout Yo0u)
Nofhing Ie Wbat Iy S4ems (wlthout Ylu) Nofthing Ies Wbhat Iyt S4eems (wlithout Ylou) Notfhing Ise Whbat Ity Se4ems (wilthout Yolu)
No5hing Ix Wgat I6 Sdems (wothout Yiu) No5thing Ixs Wghat I6t (woithout Yiou) Not5hing Isx Whgat It6 Sedems (wiothout Yoiu)
Nohhing Ia Wyat Ig Swems (wkthout Youu) Nohthing Ias Wyhat Igt (wkithout Yo) Nothhing Isa Whyat Itg Sewems (wikthout Yo)u
Noyhing Whaat Ir (w8thout Yoh) Noything Wht Irt (w8ithout Yohu) Notyhing Whta Itr Semes (wi8thout Youh)
No6hing Whzt Sesms (wuthout Yo7) No6thing Whzat (wuithout Yo7u) Not6hing Whazt Seesms (wiuthout You7)
Noghing Whqt Se3ms (witthout Yok) Nogthing Whqat (wihout Notghing Whaqt See3ms (wihtout Youk)
Norhing Whst Sefms (wifhout Yoi) Northing Whsat (wifthout Notrhing Whast Seefms (witfhout Youi)
Whwt Serms (wi5hout Yo8) Noting Whwat (wi5thout Yo8u) Notihng Whawt Seerms (wit5hout You8)
Notjing Whxt Se4ms (wihhout Yoj) Notjhing Whxat (wihthout Yoju) Nothjing Whaxt See4ms (withhout Youj)
Notuing Whatt Sedms (wiyhout Yoy) Notuhing Wha (wiythout Yoyu) Nothuing What Seedms (wityhout Youy)
Notning Whaf Sewms (wi6hout You)) Notnhing Whaft (wi6thout You Nothning Whatf Seewms (wit6hout You)
Notbing Wha5 Seemms (wighout Notbhing Wha5t Sees (wigthout Nothbing What5 Seesm (witghout
Notging Whah Seejs (wirhout Whaht Seejms (wirthout Nothging Whath Seemjs (witrhout
Notying Whay Seeks Whayt Seekms (witout Nothying Whaty Seemks (witohut

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