Sara Jorge
Let Your Heart Go Free (radio Edit)

Let Your Heart Go Free X5

There comes a time in everyone's life
When things don't go the way you planned it
But don't you know,
You take the blow it all works out
There comes a time when all that you want
Just sails away, goes down the river
But don't be sad, cause all of that just disapears

Ooh let your heart go free
Let your spirit sore into the night
Let your soul take pride
All you wannabe
Let your heart go free

Ooh let your body rise
Make your journey last untill all time
When you see the sign
It's your destiny
Let your heart go free

Let Your Heart Go Free X3

If every step is taking you back
And never see away around it
Just close your eyes and realise its not too late
If every dream is shatterd in two
You'll find away to pick the pieces
Just lift your hands and understand its up to you!

Ooh let your heart go free
Let your spirit sore into the night
Let your soul take pride
All you wannabe
Let your heart go free

Ooh let your body rise
Make your journey last untill all time
When you see the sign
It's your destiny
Let your heart go free
Let heart go free

Everything is you, everything you know
All that time you work, people on the go
Looking for a rewind, All in what you see
Nows the time to work, Let your heart go free!

Ooh let your heart go free
Let your spirit sore into the night
Let your soul take pride
All you wannabe
Let your heart go free

Ooh let your body rise
Make your journey last untill all time
When you see the sign
It's your destiny
Let your heart go free
Let heart go free

Everything is you, everything you know
All that time you work, people on the go
Looking for a rewind, All in what you see
Nows the time to work, Let your heart go free!

Mirror lyrics:

Nows the time to work, Let your heart go free!
Looking for a rewind, All in what you see
All that time you work, people on the go
Everything is you, everything you know

Let heart go free
Let your heart go free
It's your destiny
When you see the sign
Make your journey last untill all time
Ooh let your body rise

Let your heart go free
All you wannabe
Let your soul take pride
Let your spirit sore into the night
Ooh let your heart go free

Nows the time to work, Let your heart go free!
Looking for a rewind, All in what you see
All that time you work, people on the go
Everything is you, everything you know

Let heart go free
Let your heart go free
It's your destiny
When you see the sign
Make your journey last untill all time
Ooh let your body rise

Let your heart go free
All you wannabe
Let your soul take pride
Let your spirit sore into the night
Ooh let your heart go free

Just lift your hands and understand its up to you!
You'll find away to pick the pieces
If every dream is shatterd in two
Just close your eyes and realise its not too late
And never see away around it
If every step is taking you back

Let Your Heart Go Free X3

Let your heart go free
It's your destiny
When you see the sign
Make your journey last untill all time
Ooh let your body rise

Let your heart go free
All you wannabe
Let your soul take pride
Let your spirit sore into the night
Ooh let your heart go free

But don't be sad, cause all of that just disapears
Just sails away, goes down the river
There comes a time when all that you want
You take the blow it all works out
But don't you know,
When things don't go the way you planned it
There comes a time in everyone's life

Let Your Heart Go Free X5

Relevant Tags:
LLet YYour HHeart GGo FFree ((radio EEdit) et our eart o ree radio dit) eLt oYur eHart oG rFee r(adio dEit) ket gour jeart ho cree (rradio sdit) kLet gYour jHeart hGo cFree (adio sEdit)
Lket Ygour Hjeart Gho Fcree (ardio Esdit) oet hour ueart yo rree (dadio 3dit) oLet hYour uHeart yGo rFree (dradio 3Edit) Loet Yhour Hueart Gyo Frree (rdadio E3dit) pet 6our neart bo gree (4adio fdit)
pLet 6Your nHeart bGo gFree (4radio fEdit) Lpet Y6our Hneart Gbo Fgree (r4adio Efdit) Leet uour beart vo tree (gadio rdit) Lt uYour bHeart vGo tFree (gradio rEdit) Lte Yuour Hbeart Gvo Ftree (rgadio Erdit)
Lst 7our geart fo vree (tadio 4dit) Lset 7Your gHeart fGo vFree (tradio 4Edit) Lest Y7our Hgeart Gfo Fvree (rtadio E4dit) L3t jour yeart to dree (5adio ddit) L3et jYour yHeart tGo dFree (5radio dEdit)
Le3t Yjour Hyeart Gto Fdree (r5adio Eddit) Lft tour Heeart Goo (fadio wdit) Lfet tYour Hart G Fee (fradio wEdit) Left Ytour Haert Go Fere (rfadio Ewdit) Lrt Yoour Hsart Gk Fdee (eadio
Lret Yur Hseart Gko (eradio Eit) Lert Yuor Hesart Gok Frdee (readio Eidt) L4t Ykur H3art G9 F4ee (raadio Exit) L4et Ykour H3eart G9o F4ree (rdio Exdit) Le4t Yokur He3art Go9 Fr4ee (rdaio Edxit)
Ldt Y9ur Hfart G0 Fgee (rzdio Eeit) Ldet Y9our Hfeart G0o (rzadio Eedit) Ledt Yo9ur Hefart Go0 Frgee (razdio Edeit) Lwt Y0ur Hrart Gl Ftee (rqdio Efit) Lwet Y0our Hreart Glo (rqadio
Lewt Yo0ur Herart Gol Frtee (raqdio Edfit) Lett Ylur H4art Gi F5ee (rsdio Erit) Le Ylour H4eart Gio F5ree (rsadio Let Yolur He4art Goi Fr5ee (rasdio Edrit) Lef Yiur Hdart Ffee (rwdio Ecit)
Yiour Hdeart Ffree (rwadio Ecdit) Letf Yoiur Hedart Frfee (rawdio Edcit) Le5 Youur Hwart Feee (rxdio Esit) Le5t Yor Hweart Feree (rxadio Let5 Yoru Hewart Freee (raxdio Edsit)
Leh Yohr Heaart (raddio Ediit) Leht Yohur Hert Fre (raio Edt) Leth Youhr Herat Free (raido Edti) Ley Yo7r Hezrt Frse (raxio Edjt) Leyt Yo7ur Hezart Frsee Edjit)
Lety You7r Heazrt Frese (radxio Edijt) Le6 Yokr Heqrt Fr3e (raeio Ed9t)

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