Sara Groves
Cave Of Adullum

Speak to me, speak to me in my cave of Adullam.
Reach to me, reach to me.
No one cares for my soul.
I thought I saw your kingdom,
but it's not going to happen like I thought it would happen.
Remind me, remind me of the vision you gave me.
Remind me, remind me what anointing oil is for.
I need to know you're near me.
I need to know you are holding me just as closely

Chorus: as the day you took my life and gave me a vision,
as the day you poured the oil and gave me a dream.
I can't believe this is happening.
How does a shepherd become a king?

Mirror lyrics:

How does a shepherd become a king?
I can't believe this is happening.
as the day you poured the oil and gave me a dream.
Chorus: as the day you took my life and gave me a vision,

I need to know you are holding me just as closely
I need to know you're near me.
Remind me, remind me what anointing oil is for.
Remind me, remind me of the vision you gave me.
but it's not going to happen like I thought it would happen.
I thought I saw your kingdom,
No one cares for my soul.
Reach to me, reach to me.
Speak to me, speak to me in my cave of Adullam.

Relevant Tags:
CCave OOf AAdullum ave f dullum aCve fO dAullum fave kf zdullum fCave kOf zAdullum Cfave Okf Azdullum xave 9f qdullum
xCave 9Of qAdullum Cxave O9f Aqdullum vave 0f sdullum vCave 0Of sAdullum Cvave O0f Asdullum dave lf wdullum dCave lOf wAdullum
Cdave Olf Awdullum Caave if xdullum Cve iOf xAdullum Cvae Oif Axdullum Czve Off Addullum Czave O Aullum Cazve Of Audllum
Cqve Oc Axullum Cqave Ocf Caqve Ofc Adxullum Csve Or Aeullum Csave Orf Aedullum Casve Ofr Adeullum Cwve Og Afullum
Cwave Ogf Afdullum Cawve Ofg Adfullum Cxve Ot Arullum Otf Ardullum Caxve Oft Adrullum Cavve Ov Acullum Cae Ovf Acdullum
Caev Ofv Adcullum Cabe Od Asullum Cabve Odf Cavbe Ofd Adsullum Cace Aduullum Cacve Adllum Cavce Adlulum
Cage Adhllum Cagve Adhullum Cavge Aduhllum Cafe Ad7llum Cafve Ad7ullum Cavfe Adu7llum Cavee Adkllum
Cav Adkullum Cave Adukllum Cavs Adillum Cavse Adiullum Caves Aduillum Cav3 Ad8llum Cav3e Ad8ullum

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