Sara Evans
Rockin' Horse

The rocking horse came
From an old oak tree
Just missed the house
When it was hit by lightning
My daddy painted that horse
A midnight blue
Shooting stars and silver horseshoes
And it was something magic out of something frightening

That's how I live my life
I take it as it comes
And I find the hidden love
When it's pouring down on me
In my mind I see
The rocking horse inside the tree

A broken heart
Means deeper feelings
A thorn in the flesh
Means room for healing
Oh salt in your tears
Can open your eyes
Wounded years
Make you realize
It's just something magic out of something frightening

Repeat Chorus

Things aren't always as they seem
Take the nightmare from my dreams

Repeat Chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus

Take the nightmare from my dreams
Things aren't always as they seem

Repeat Chorus

It's just something magic out of something frightening
Make you realize
Wounded years
Can open your eyes
Oh salt in your tears
Means room for healing
A thorn in the flesh
Means deeper feelings
A broken heart

The rocking horse inside the tree
In my mind I see
When it's pouring down on me
And I find the hidden love
I take it as it comes
That's how I live my life

And it was something magic out of something frightening
Shooting stars and silver horseshoes
A midnight blue
My daddy painted that horse
When it was hit by lightning
Just missed the house
From an old oak tree
The rocking horse came

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RRockin' HHorse ockin' orse oRckin' oHrse dockin' jorse dRockin' jHorse Rdockin' Hjorse 4ockin' uorse 4Rockin' uHorse R4ockin' Huorse
gockin' norse gRockin' nHorse Rgockin' Hnorse tockin' borse tRockin' bHorse Rtockin' Hborse 5ockin' gorse 5Rockin' gHorse R5ockin' Hgorse
fockin' yorse fRockin' yHorse Rfockin' Hyorse eockin' Hoorse eRockin' Hrse Reockin' Hrose Roockin' Hkrse Rckin' Hkorse Rcokin' Hokrse
Rkckin' H9rse Rkockin' H9orse Rokckin' Ho9rse R9ckin' H0rse R9ockin' H0orse Ro9ckin' Ho0rse R0ckin' Hlrse R0ockin' Hlorse Ro0ckin' Holrse
Rlckin' Hirse Rlockin' Hiorse Rolckin' Hoirse Rickin' Horrse Riockin' Hose Roickin' Hosre Rocckin' Hodse Rokin' Hodrse Rokcin' Hordse
Rofkin' Ho4se Rofckin' Ho4rse Rocfkin' Hor4se Roxkin' Hogse Roxckin' Hogrse Rocxkin' Horgse Rovkin' Hotse Rovckin' Hotrse Rocvkin' Hortse
Rodkin' Ho5se Rodckin' Ho5rse

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