Sara Evans
A Real Fine Place To Start

I'm gonna do it darlin'
I could waste time tryin' to figure it out
I'm jumpin' anyhow
I've never been this far
Didn't know love could run so deep
Didn't know I'd loose this much sleep

Holdin' you close
Chasin' that moon
Spendin' all night lovin' just who you are
Sparks flyn' in the dark
Shootin' out lights
Runnin' down dreams
Figurin' out what love really means
Baby givin' you my heart
Is a real fine place to start

Somethin' is goin' on
I can't explain but sure can touch
It's callin' both of us
Stronger than any fear or doubt
It's changin' everything I see
It's changin' you it's changin' me

Holdin' you close
Chasin' that moon
Spendin' all night lovin' just who you are
Sparks flyn' in the dark
Shootin' out lights
Runnin' down dreams
Figurin' out what love really means
Baby givin' you my heart
Is a real fine place to start

Right here right now's
The perfect spot
The perfect time
The perfect moment
When your skin is next to mine

Yeah, yeah

Holdin' you close
Chasin' that moon
Spendin' all night lovin just who you are
Sparks flyn' in the dark
Shootin' out lights
Runnin' down dreams
Figurin' out just what love really means
Baby givin' you my heart
Is a real fine place, a real fine place to start

Oh yeah
Oh oh oooooh

Mirror lyrics:

Oh oh oooooh
Oh yeah

Is a real fine place, a real fine place to start
Baby givin' you my heart
Figurin' out just what love really means
Runnin' down dreams
Shootin' out lights
Sparks flyn' in the dark
Spendin' all night lovin just who you are
Chasin' that moon
Holdin' you close

Yeah, yeah

When your skin is next to mine
The perfect moment
The perfect time
The perfect spot
Right here right now's

Is a real fine place to start
Baby givin' you my heart
Figurin' out what love really means
Runnin' down dreams
Shootin' out lights
Sparks flyn' in the dark
Spendin' all night lovin' just who you are
Chasin' that moon
Holdin' you close

It's changin' you it's changin' me
It's changin' everything I see
Stronger than any fear or doubt
It's callin' both of us
I can't explain but sure can touch
Somethin' is goin' on

Is a real fine place to start
Baby givin' you my heart
Figurin' out what love really means
Runnin' down dreams
Shootin' out lights
Sparks flyn' in the dark
Spendin' all night lovin' just who you are
Chasin' that moon
Holdin' you close

Didn't know I'd loose this much sleep
Didn't know love could run so deep
I've never been this far
I'm jumpin' anyhow
I could waste time tryin' to figure it out
I'm gonna do it darlin'

Relevant Tags:
AA RReal FFine PPlace TTo SStart eal ine lace o tart A eRal iFne lPace oT tSart z deal cine 0lace fo ztart zA dReal cFine 0Place fTo zStart
Az Rdeal Fcine P0lace Tfo Sztart q 4eal rine llace 5o wtart qA 4Real rFine lPlace 5To wStart Aq R4eal Frine Pllace T5o Swtart s geal gine olace ho dtart
sA gReal gFine oPlace hTo dStart As Rgeal Fgine Polace Tho Sdtart w teal tine yo etart wA tReal tFine Pace yTo eStart Aw Rteal Ftine Palce Tyo Setart
x 5eal vine Pkace 6o xtart xA 5Real vFine Pklace 6To xStart Ax R5eal Fvine Plkace T6o Sxtart feal dine Poace go atart fReal dFine gTo aStart
Rfeal Fdine Ploace Tgo Satart eeal Fiine Ppace ro Sttart eReal Fne Pplace rTo Sart Reeal Fnie Plpace Tro Satrt Fjne Plaace Too Sfart
Ral Fjine Plce T Sftart Rael Fijne Plcae To Stfart Rsal F9ne Plzce Tk S5art Rseal F9ine Plzace Tko S5tart Resal Fi9ne Plazce Tok St5art
R3al Flne Plqce T9 Shart R3eal Fline Plqace T9o Shtart Re3al Filne Plaqce To9 Sthart Rfal Fone Plsce T0 Syart Foine Plsace T0o Sytart
Refal Fione Plasce To0 Styart Rral Fkne Plwce Tl S6art Rreal Fkine Plwace Tlo S6tart Reral Fikne Plawce Tol St6art R4al F8ne Plxce Ti Sgart
F8ine Plxace Tio Sgtart Re4al Fi8ne Plaxce Toi Stgart Rdal Fune Placce Srart Fuine Plae Srtart Redal Fiune Plaec Strart
Rwal Finne Plafe Staart Rweal Fie Plafce Strt Rewal Fien Placfe Strat Reaal Fime Plaxe Stzrt Rel Fimne Stzart
Rela Finme Placxe Stazrt Rezl Fihe Plave Stqrt Rezal Fihne Plavce Stqart

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