Roy Orbison
Tutti Frutti

Wop-bop-a-loom-a-boom-bam-boom tutti frutti
au rutti tutti frutti au rutti tutti frutti
au rutti tutti frutti au rutti tutti frutti
au rutti wop-bop-a-loom-bop-a-boom-bam-boom
Got a gal named Sue
She knows just what to do
She rocks to the east
She rocks to the west
She's the gal I love best

I got a gal named Daisy
She almost drives me crazy
She knows how to love me
Yes indeed, boy you don't know
What she does to me

Mirror lyrics:

What she does to me
Yes indeed, boy you don't know
She knows how to love me
She almost drives me crazy
I got a gal named Daisy

She's the gal I love best
She rocks to the west
She rocks to the east
She knows just what to do
Got a gal named Sue
au rutti wop-bop-a-loom-bop-a-boom-bam-boom
au rutti tutti frutti au rutti tutti frutti
au rutti tutti frutti au rutti tutti frutti
Wop-bop-a-loom-a-boom-bam-boom tutti frutti

Relevant Tags:
TTutti FFrutti utti rutti uTtti rFutti futti crutti fTutti cFrutti Tfutti Fcrutti 5utti rrutti 5Tutti rFrutti T5utti Frrutti
hutti grutti hTutti gFrutti Thutti Fgrutti yutti trutti yTutti tFrutti Tyutti Ftrutti 6utti vrutti 6Tutti vFrutti T6utti Fvrutti
gutti drutti gTutti dFrutti Tgutti Fdrutti rutti rTutti Futti Trutti Furtti Tuutti Fdutti Ttti Ttuti Frdutti
Thtti F4utti F4rutti Tuhtti Fr4utti T7tti Fgutti T7utti Tu7tti Frgutti Tktti Ftutti Tkutti Tuktti Frtutti
Titti F5utti Tiutti F5rutti Tuitti Fr5utti T8tti Ffutti T8utti Ffrutti Tu8tti Frfutti Tjtti Feutti Tjutti Ferutti Tujtti Freutti
Tytti Fruutti Frtti Tuytti Frtuti Tuttti Frhtti Tuti Frhutti Tutti Fruhtti Tufti Fr7tti Tuftti Fr7utti Tutfti Fru7tti
Tu5ti Frktti Tu5tti Frkutti Tut5ti Fruktti Tuhti Fritti Friutti Tuthti Fruitti Tuyti Fr8tti Fr8utti Tutyti Fru8tti

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