Follow My Ruin

Down below a faded glow
Vibrant key without a tone
Realise in here it's cold
I can only let it snow

Words were said so long ago
Left a mark, an open sore
You go fast, i'm burnin' slow
Hate to say I knew you'd go

So much going on
And I wish to hold on
So much going on
And I cannot let go

Past the trees that hide our love
Hurry now it's time to go
Make this moment matter more
Show me like you did before

Revolting in a broken home
Holding on to what we own
Worlds collide and cause a storm
Still I wish I could hold on

Words were said so long ago
Face defeat and take the blow
So naïve now I know more
Won't forget the things before

So much going on
And I wish to hold on
So much going on
And I cannot let go
...cannot let go...

...So much going on...
...So much going on...
...Cannot let go...
...Cannot let go...

Mirror lyrics:

...Cannot let go...
...Cannot let go...
...So much going on...
...So much going on...

...cannot let go...
And I cannot let go
So much going on
And I wish to hold on
So much going on

Won't forget the things before
So naïve now I know more
Face defeat and take the blow
Words were said so long ago

Still I wish I could hold on
Worlds collide and cause a storm
Holding on to what we own
Revolting in a broken home

Show me like you did before
Make this moment matter more
Hurry now it's time to go
Past the trees that hide our love

And I cannot let go
So much going on
And I wish to hold on
So much going on

Hate to say I knew you'd go
You go fast, i'm burnin' slow
Left a mark, an open sore
Words were said so long ago

I can only let it snow
Realise in here it's cold
Vibrant key without a tone
Down below a faded glow

Relevant Tags:
FFollow MMy RRuin ollow y uin oFllow yM uRin collow jy duin cFollow jMy dRuin Fcollow Mjy Rduin rollow ky 4uin rFollow kMy 4Ruin
Frollow Mky R4uin gollow ny guin gFollow nMy gRuin Fgollow Mny Rguin tollow Myy tuin tFollow M tRuin Ftollow My Rtuin vollow Mg 5uin
vFollow Mgy 5Ruin Fvollow Myg R5uin dollow Mh fuin dFollow Mhy fRuin Fdollow Myh Rfuin Foollow M6 euin Fllow M6y eRuin Flolow My6 Reuin
Fkllow Mu Ruuin Fkollow Muy Rin Fokllow Myu Riun F9llow M7 Rhin F9ollow M7y Rhuin Fo9llow My7 Ruhin F0llow Mj R7in F0ollow R7uin
Fo0llow Myj Ru7in Flllow Mt Rkin Flollow Mty Rkuin Folllow Myt Rukin Fillow Riin Fiollow Riuin Foillow Ruiin R8in
Folow R8uin Follow Ru8in Foklow Rjin Rjuin Folklow Rujin Foolow Ryin Ryuin

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