Royal Hunt
Wasted Time

You're out huntin' if I'm the prize - so roll the ball!
I'm like a mad dog, keep fightin' - back against the wall!

Come on I'll show you the world you never seen,
Come on I'll teach you - good fight is when you win!
(So listen up)

Wasted time, like a poison in my wine, I call it...
The perfect crime - like a bullet in the back it search you
Time is running out it hurts you,
Goin' down because of wasted time...

I'll keep on tryin' - No one allowed - I'm out too late
See losers cryin' - the sort thing I use to hate...

Mirror lyrics:

See losers cryin' - the sort thing I use to hate...
I'll keep on tryin' - No one allowed - I'm out too late

Goin' down because of wasted time...
Time is running out it hurts you,
The perfect crime - like a bullet in the back it search you
Wasted time, like a poison in my wine, I call it...

(So listen up)
Come on I'll teach you - good fight is when you win!
Come on I'll show you the world you never seen,

I'm like a mad dog, keep fightin' - back against the wall!
You're out huntin' if I'm the prize - so roll the ball!

Relevant Tags:
WWasted TTime asted ime aWsted iTme aasted fime aWasted fTime Waasted Tfime 3asted 5ime 3Wasted 5Time W3asted T5ime dasted hime
dWasted hTime Wdasted Thime easted yime eWasted yTime Weasted Tyime sasted 6ime sWasted 6Time Wsasted T6ime 2asted gime 2Wasted gTime
W2asted Tgime qasted rime qWasted rTime Wqasted Trime Tiime Wsted Tme Wsated Tmie Wzsted Tjme Wzasted Tjime Wazsted Tijme
Wqsted T9me T9ime Waqsted Ti9me Wssted Tlme Tlime Wassted Tilme Wwsted Tome Wwasted Toime Wawsted Tiome Wxsted Tkme
Wxasted Tkime Waxsted Tikme T8me Wated T8ime Watsed Ti8me Wazted Tume Tuime Waszted Tiume Wawted Timme Tie
Waswted Tiem Wadted Tije Wadsted Wasdted Timje Waeted Tike Waested Waseted Timke Waxted Tine Tinme

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