Royal Hunt
Heart Of The City

Can't see no changes, I wanna be free,
I'm a bird on a wire
My blood is boilin' it's burnin' in me,
Overkill by fire

Sun goes down and full moon rising,
Chasin' evil shadows in town

Just like a junkie, I can't see a thing,
Feelin' the chill that surrounds me

I can't get out cos I'm trapped in the ring,
Something's comin' to haunt me

Set me free - don't even try to put a chain on me,
Page was a turn - you're gonna learn,
Right in the heart of the city

Another kid from downtown - you see,
Born to live in the sorrow
I owe you nothing and that's how it is gonna be,
By the morning - it's over

Mirror lyrics:

By the morning - it's over
I owe you nothing and that's how it is gonna be,
Born to live in the sorrow
Another kid from downtown - you see,

Right in the heart of the city
Page was a turn - you're gonna learn,
Set me free - don't even try to put a chain on me,

Something's comin' to haunt me
I can't get out cos I'm trapped in the ring,

Feelin' the chill that surrounds me
Just like a junkie, I can't see a thing,

Chasin' evil shadows in town
Sun goes down and full moon rising,

Overkill by fire
My blood is boilin' it's burnin' in me,
I'm a bird on a wire
Can't see no changes, I wanna be free,

Relevant Tags:
HHeart OOf TThe CCity eart f he ity eHart fO hTe iCty jeart kf fhe fity jHeart kOf fThe fCity Hjeart Okf Tfhe Cfity
ueart 9f 5he xity uHeart 9Of 5The xCity Hueart O9f T5he Cxity neart 0f hhe vity nHeart 0Of hThe vCity Hneart O0f Thhe Cvity
beart lf yhe dity bHeart lOf yThe dCity Hbeart Olf Tyhe Cdity geart if 6he Ciity gHeart iOf 6The Cty Hgeart Oif T6he Ctiy
yeart Off ghe Cjty yHeart O gThe Cjity Hyeart Of Tghe Cijty Heeart Oc rhe C9ty Hart Ocf rThe C9ity Haert Ofc Trhe Ci9ty
Hsart Or Clty Hseart Orf Te Clity Hesart Ofr Teh Cilty H3art Og Tje Coty H3eart Ogf Tjhe Coity He3art Ofg Thje Cioty
Hfart Ot Tue Ckty Hfeart Otf Tuhe Ckity Hefart Oft Thue Cikty Hrart Ov Tne C8ty Hreart Ovf Tnhe C8ity Herart Ofv Thne Ci8ty
H4art Od Tbe Cuty H4eart Odf Tbhe Cuity He4art Ofd Thbe Ciuty Hdart Tge Citty Hdeart Ciy Hedart Thge Ciyt
Hwart Tye Cify Hweart Cifty Hewart Thye Citfy Heaart Thee Ci5y Hert Th Ci5ty Herat The Cit5y
Hezrt Ths Cihy Hezart Thse Cihty Heazrt Thes Cithy Heqrt Th3 Ciyy

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