Roy Drusky
The Worst Is Yet To Come

(Liz Anderson)

I know the worst is yet to come.

Such a little time has passed since you went away
Where are all the heartaches comin' from
I can hardly stand the pain of missin' you today
And I know the worst is yet to come.

If there was something I could find to drive these tears from me
Then I'd go right out and get me one
I've already cried enough to fill the deep blue sea
And I know the worst is yet to come.

--- Instrumental ---

There'll be all those sleepless nights when I'll just lay and cry
And the hours will seem to have no end
There'll be days when it won't matter if I live or die
Wishin' I could have you back again.

If there was something I could find to drive these tears from me
Then I'd go right out and get me one
I've already cried enough to fill the deep blue sea
And I know the worst is yet to come...

Mirror lyrics:

And I know the worst is yet to come...
I've already cried enough to fill the deep blue sea
Then I'd go right out and get me one
If there was something I could find to drive these tears from me

Wishin' I could have you back again.
There'll be days when it won't matter if I live or die
And the hours will seem to have no end
There'll be all those sleepless nights when I'll just lay and cry

--- Instrumental ---

And I know the worst is yet to come.
I've already cried enough to fill the deep blue sea
Then I'd go right out and get me one
If there was something I could find to drive these tears from me

And I know the worst is yet to come.
I can hardly stand the pain of missin' you today
Where are all the heartaches comin' from
Such a little time has passed since you went away

I know the worst is yet to come.

(Liz Anderson)

Relevant Tags:
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Ths Wo4st Yett Coms Thse Wo4rst Ye Comse Thes Wor4st Yet Comes Th3 Wogst Yef Com3 Th3e Wogrst Com3e The3 Worgst Yetf Come3
Thf Wotst Ye5 Comf

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