Roy Drusky
St. Louis Blues

(W.C. Handy - Luther Henderson)

I hate to see that evenin' sun go down
I hate to see that evenin' sun go down
'Cause my baby she done left this town.

I'm feelin' tomorrow like I feel today
I'm feelin' tomorrow like I feel today
I'm gonna pack my grip and make my getaway.

St Louis woman with her diamond rings
Pull that man around (by the apron strings)
Twarnt for powder and for that store bought hair
Well, that gal I love she wouldn't have gone nowhere (nowhere.)

I got the St Louis Blues just blue as I can be
That gal got a heart like a rock cast in the sea
Or else she wouldn't have gone so far from me.

Or else she wouldn't have gone so far from me...

Mirror lyrics:

Or else she wouldn't have gone so far from me...

Or else she wouldn't have gone so far from me.
That gal got a heart like a rock cast in the sea
I got the St Louis Blues just blue as I can be

Well, that gal I love she wouldn't have gone nowhere (nowhere.)
Twarnt for powder and for that store bought hair
Pull that man around (by the apron strings)
St Louis woman with her diamond rings

I'm gonna pack my grip and make my getaway.
I'm feelin' tomorrow like I feel today
I'm feelin' tomorrow like I feel today

'Cause my baby she done left this town.
I hate to see that evenin' sun go down
I hate to see that evenin' sun go down

(W.C. Handy - Luther Henderson)

Relevant Tags:
SSt. LLouis BBlues t. ouis lues tS. oLuis lBues zt. kouis vlues zSt. kLouis vBlues Szt. Lkouis Bvlues wt. oouis glues
wSt. oLouis gBlues Swt. Loouis Bglues dt. pouis nlues dSt. pLouis nBlues Sdt. Lpouis Bnlues et. hlues eSt. Luis hBlues
Set. Luois Bhlues xt. Lkuis Bllues xSt. Bues Sxt. Lokuis Bules at. L9uis Bkues aSt. L9ouis Bklues Sat. Lo9uis Blkues
Stt. L0uis Boues S. L0ouis Bolues S.t Lo0uis Bloues Sf. Lluis Bpues Sft. Llouis Bplues Stf. Loluis Blpues S5. Liuis Bluues
S5t. Liouis Bles St5. Loiuis Bleus Sh. Louuis Blhes Sht. Lois Blhues Sth. Loius Bluhes Sy. Lohis Bl7es Syt. Lohuis Bl7ues
Sty. Louhis Blu7es S6. Lo7is Blkes S6t. Lo7uis St6. Lou7is Blukes Sg. Lokis Blies Sgt. Bliues Stg. Loukis Bluies
Sr. Loiis Bl8es Srt. Bl8ues Str. Louiis Blu8es St.. Lo8is Bljes

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