Roy Drusky
Rainbows And Roses

(Ted Harris)

A rainbow always shows up when a storm is through
To decorate a fresh green world where life can start anew
Then the roses show their glory and the sun comes shinin' through
But there's no rainbows nor no roses in my stormy world with you.

Oh I know I'd see the rainbows and the roses
If the storm that's ragin' in our world would end
Why can't we be happy like we used to
And bring the rainbows and the roses back again.

--- Instrumental ---

I don't know what happened to the love we knew
I wouldn't care what happened now if I knew what to do
To part these clouds of sadness and bring the sunshine through
So the rainbows and the roses would come back for me and you.

Oh, I know I'd see the rainbows and the roses
If the storm that's ragin' in our world would end
Why can't we be happy like we used to
And bring the rainbows and the roses back again.

And bring the rainbows and the roses back again...

Mirror lyrics:

And bring the rainbows and the roses back again...

And bring the rainbows and the roses back again.
Why can't we be happy like we used to
If the storm that's ragin' in our world would end
Oh, I know I'd see the rainbows and the roses

So the rainbows and the roses would come back for me and you.
To part these clouds of sadness and bring the sunshine through
I wouldn't care what happened now if I knew what to do
I don't know what happened to the love we knew

--- Instrumental ---

And bring the rainbows and the roses back again.
Why can't we be happy like we used to
If the storm that's ragin' in our world would end
Oh I know I'd see the rainbows and the roses

But there's no rainbows nor no roses in my stormy world with you.
Then the roses show their glory and the sun comes shinin' through
To decorate a fresh green world where life can start anew
A rainbow always shows up when a storm is through

(Ted Harris)

Relevant Tags:
RRainbows AAnd RRoses ainbows nd oses aRinbows nAd oRses dainbows znd doses dRainbows zAnd dRoses Rdainbows Aznd Rdoses
4ainbows qnd 4oses 4Rainbows qAnd 4Roses R4ainbows Aqnd R4oses gainbows snd goses gRainbows sAnd gRoses Rgainbows Asnd Rgoses
tainbows wnd toses tRainbows wAnd tRoses Rtainbows Awnd Rtoses 5ainbows xnd 5oses 5Rainbows xAnd 5Roses R5ainbows Axnd R5oses
fainbows Annd foses fRainbows Ad fRoses Rfainbows Adn Rfoses eainbows Amd eoses eRainbows Amnd eRoses Reainbows Anmd Reoses
Raainbows Ahd Rooses Rinbows Ahnd Rses Rianbows Anhd Rsoes Rzinbows Ajd Rkses Rzainbows Ajnd Rkoses Razinbows Anjd Rokses
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