Roy Drusky
Night's Not Over Yet

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

Love me now while you can and pretend you understand
So tonight won't be a thing that I'll regret
Tomorrow's not a friend for it brings the hurt again
So tell me the night's not over yet.

If my fingers trace her likeness on your face
Don't let pride pull you away
Reach and touch the teardrops and though my cheeks are wet
Tell me the night's not over yet.

For tonight just one time share the troubles on my mind
Hold me close and help me to forget
If you cry from the shame when I call you by her name
Just tell me the night's not over yet.

In your arms I feel the warmth of love again
And tomorrow's no concern
I've still got a yesterday I'm tryin' to forget
So tell me the night's not over yet.

When tomorrow comes we'll make believe we never met
But tell me the night's not over yet...

Mirror lyrics:

But tell me the night's not over yet...
When tomorrow comes we'll make believe we never met

So tell me the night's not over yet.
I've still got a yesterday I'm tryin' to forget
And tomorrow's no concern
In your arms I feel the warmth of love again

Just tell me the night's not over yet.
If you cry from the shame when I call you by her name
Hold me close and help me to forget
For tonight just one time share the troubles on my mind

Tell me the night's not over yet.
Reach and touch the teardrops and though my cheeks are wet
Don't let pride pull you away
If my fingers trace her likeness on your face

So tell me the night's not over yet.
Tomorrow's not a friend for it brings the hurt again
So tonight won't be a thing that I'll regret
Love me now while you can and pretend you understand

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

Relevant Tags:
NNight's NNot OOver YYet ight's ot ver et iNght's oNt vOer eYt might's mot kver get mNight's mNot kOver gYet Nmight's Nmot Okver Yget
hight's hot 9ver het hNight's hNot 9Over hYet Nhight's Nhot O9ver Yhet jight's jot 0ver 6et jNight's jNot 0Over 6Yet Njight's Njot O0ver Y6et
bight's bot lver uet bNight's bNot lOver uYet Nbight's Nbot Olver Yuet Niight's Noot iver 7et Nght's Nt iOver 7Yet Ngiht's Nto Oiver Y7et
Njght's Nkt Ovver jet Nkot Oer jYet Nijght's Nokt Oevr Yjet N9ght's N9t Ober tet N9ight's N9ot Obver tYet Ni9ght's No9t Ovber Ytet
Nlght's N0t Ocer Yeet Nlight's N0ot Ocver Yt Nilght's No0t Ovcer Yte Noght's Nlt Oger Yst Noight's Nlot Ogver Yset Nioght's Nolt Ovger Yest
Nkght's Nit Ofer Y3t Nkight's Niot Ofver Y3et Nikght's Noit Ovfer Ye3t N8ght's Nott Oveer Yft N8ight's No Ovr Yfet Ni8ght's Not Ovre Yeft
Nught's Nof Ovsr Yrt Nuight's Noft Ovser Yret Niught's Notf Ovesr Yert Nigght's No5 Ov3r Y4t Niht's No5t Ov3er Y4et Nihgt's Not5 Ove3r Ye4t
Nihht's Noh Ovfr Ydt Nihght's Noht Ydet Nighht's Noth Ovefr Yedt Niyht's Noy Ovrr Ywt Niyght's Noyt Ovrer Ywet Nigyht's Noty Overr Yewt
Nibht's No6 Ov4r Yett Nibght's No6t Ov4er Ye Nigbht's Not6 Ove4r Yet Nivht's Nog Ovdr Yef Nivght's Nogt Ovder Nigvht's Notg Ovedr Yetf
Nifht's Nor Ovwr Ye5 Nifght's Nort Ovwer Ye5t Nigfht's Notr Ovewr Yet5 Nitht's Yeh Nitght's Ove Yeht Nigtht's Over Yeth
Oved Yey

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