Roy Clark
Which One Of Us Is To Blame

(Sunny Doll - Redd Stewart)

(I wonder which one of us is to blame?)

The nices thing that's come my way is you
But I can't offer you my heart or name
It isn't fair to love the way we do
I wonder which one of us is to blame?

Your nearness makes me tremble with desire
Your ruby red lips set my soul a flame
For you I'd be a beggar thief or liar
I wonder which one of us is to blame?

It doesn't bother me at all
What other people say
Because if loving you could be such a crime
I'm guilty all the way.

We've made ourselves the gossips of the town
The things we've done can only bring us shame
We've let our passions drag our utter down
I wonder which one of us is to blame?...

Mirror lyrics:

I wonder which one of us is to blame?...
We've let our passions drag our utter down
The things we've done can only bring us shame
We've made ourselves the gossips of the town

I'm guilty all the way.
Because if loving you could be such a crime
What other people say
It doesn't bother me at all

I wonder which one of us is to blame?
For you I'd be a beggar thief or liar
Your ruby red lips set my soul a flame
Your nearness makes me tremble with desire

I wonder which one of us is to blame?
It isn't fair to love the way we do
But I can't offer you my heart or name
The nices thing that's come my way is you

(I wonder which one of us is to blame?)

(Sunny Doll - Redd Stewart)

Relevant Tags:
WWhich OOne OOf UUs IIs TTo BBlame hich ne f s s o lame hWich nOe fO sU sI oT lBame ahich kne kf hs js fo vlame aWhich kOne kOf hUs jIs fTo vBlame
Wahich Okne Okf Uhs Ijs Tfo Bvlame 3hich 9ne 9f 7s 9s 5o glame 3Which 9One 9Of 7Us 9Is 5To gBlame W3hich O9ne O9f U7s I9s T5o Bglame dhich 0ne 0f ks ls ho nlame
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W2hich Oen Of Ujs I8s Tgo Blkame qhich Ome Oc ys us ro Boame qWhich Omne Ocf yUs uIs rTo Bolame Wqhich Onme Ofc Uys Ius Tro Bloame Whhich Ohe Or Uss Iss Too Bpame
Wich Ohne Orf U I T Bplame Wihch Onhe Ofr Us Is To Blpame Wjich Oje Og Uz Iz Tk Blaame Wjhich Ojne Ogf Uzs Izs Tko Blme Whjich Onje Ofg Usz Isz Tok Blmae
Wuich Obe Ot Uw Iw T9 Blzme Wuhich Obne Otf Uws Iws T9o Blzame Whuich Onbe Oft Usw Isw To9 Blazme Wnich Onee Ov Ud Id T0 Blqme Wnhich On Ovf Uds Ids T0o Blqame
Whnich One Ofv Usd Isd To0 Blaqme Wbich Ons Od Ue Ie Tl Blsme Wbhich Onse Odf Ues Ies Tlo Blsame Whbich Ones Ofd Use Ise Tol Blasme Wgich On3 Ux Ix Ti Blwme
Wghich On3e Uxs Ixs Tio Blwame Whgich One3 Usx Isx Toi Blawme Wyich Onf Ua Ia Blxme Wyhich Onfe Uas Ias Blxame Whyich Onef Usa Isa Blaxme
Whiich Onr Blamme Whch Onre Blae Whcih Oner Blaem Whjch On4 Blaje On4e Blajme
Whijch One4 Blamje Wh9ch Ond Blake

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