Roy Acuff
I'm Movin' On

That big eight wheeler rolling down the track

Means your true lovin' daddy ain't coming back

I'm movin' on I'll soon be gone

You were flying too high for my little old sky so I'm movin' on

That big loud whistle as it blew and blew

Said hello to the Southland we're coming to you

We're movin' on oh hear my song

You had the laugh on me so I've set you free and I'm movin' on

[ banjo ]

Mister fireman won't you please listen to me

I've got a pretty woman in Tennessee

Keep movin' me on keep rollin' on

So shovel the coal let the black smoke roll keep rollin' me on

[ fiddle ]

I warned you baby from time to time

But you just wouldn't listen or pay me no mind

I'm movin' on I'm rollin' on

You broken your vow and it's all over now so I'm movin' on

But some day baby when you've had your play

You're gonna want your daddy but your daddy will say

Keep movin' on stayed away too long

I'm through with you too bad you're blue so keep movin' on

Mirror lyrics:

I'm through with you too bad you're blue so keep movin' on

Keep movin' on stayed away too long

You're gonna want your daddy but your daddy will say

But some day baby when you've had your play

You broken your vow and it's all over now so I'm movin' on

I'm movin' on I'm rollin' on

But you just wouldn't listen or pay me no mind

I warned you baby from time to time

[ fiddle ]

So shovel the coal let the black smoke roll keep rollin' me on

Keep movin' me on keep rollin' on

I've got a pretty woman in Tennessee

Mister fireman won't you please listen to me

[ banjo ]

You had the laugh on me so I've set you free and I'm movin' on

We're movin' on oh hear my song

Said hello to the Southland we're coming to you

That big loud whistle as it blew and blew

You were flying too high for my little old sky so I'm movin' on

I'm movin' on I'll soon be gone

Means your true lovin' daddy ain't coming back

That big eight wheeler rolling down the track

Relevant Tags:
II'm MMovin' OOn 'm ovin' n 'Im oMvin' nO j'm jovin' kn jI'm jMovin' kOn Ij'm Mjovin' Okn 9'm kovin' 9n 9I'm kMovin' 9On I9'm Mkovin' O9n
l'm novin' 0n lI'm nMovin' 0On Il'm Mnovin' O0n o'm Moovin' ln oI'm Mvin' lOn Io'm Mvoin' Oln k'm Mkvin' in kI'm iOn Ik'm Mokvin' Oin
8'm M9vin' Onn 8I'm M9ovin' O I8'm Mo9vin' On u'm M0vin' Om uI'm M0ovin' Omn Iu'm Mo0vin' Onm I''m Mlvin' Oh Im Mlovin' Ohn Im' Molvin' Onh
I'mm Mivin' Oj I' Miovin' Ojn I'm Moivin' Onj I'j Movvin' Ob I'jm Moin' Obn I'mj Moivn' Onb I'k Mobin' I'km Mobvin' I'mk Movbin'
I'n Mocin' I'nm Mocvin' I'mn Movcin' Mogin' Mogvin' Movgin' Mofin'

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