Roxy Music
Just Like You


Buttercup daisies
And most anything
They wither and fade
After blossom in spring
Time conquers innocence
Pride takes a fall
In knowledge lies wisdom
That´s all
Everything changes
Weather blows hot or cold
Through alchemy iron turns gold
Quicksilver baby
So hard to pin down
Oh when are you coming around?
Hopelessly grounded
I walk through the streets
Remembering how we spent time
Hopefully yearning that someday we´ll meet
But when will we, how could we - why? oh my!
Fashion houses ladies
Need plenty loose change
When the latest creation
Is last year´s fab-rave
Thought patterns hazy
This auto-style age
Will lady luck smile old and sage?
She knows that ......
Never again, no, will I give up my heart
To gamble with fate is my crime
Nevertheless love, it´s all here in my book
I´d write it but don´t have much time
You see, I know it sounds crazy
But what can I do?
I´ve fallen head over heels, over you
Chameleon colour
All phases of moon
The shifting of planets
And leopard spots too
As destiny wills it
So seasons will change
Just like you

Mirror lyrics:

Just like you
So seasons will change
As destiny wills it
And leopard spots too
The shifting of planets
All phases of moon
Chameleon colour
I´ve fallen head over heels, over you
But what can I do?
You see, I know it sounds crazy
I´d write it but don´t have much time
Nevertheless love, it´s all here in my book
To gamble with fate is my crime
Never again, no, will I give up my heart
She knows that ......
Will lady luck smile old and sage?
This auto-style age
Thought patterns hazy
Is last year´s fab-rave
When the latest creation
Need plenty loose change
Fashion houses ladies
But when will we, how could we - why? oh my!
Hopefully yearning that someday we´ll meet
Remembering how we spent time
I walk through the streets
Hopelessly grounded
Oh when are you coming around?
So hard to pin down
Quicksilver baby
Through alchemy iron turns gold
Weather blows hot or cold
Everything changes
That´s all
In knowledge lies wisdom
Pride takes a fall
Time conquers innocence
After blossom in spring
They wither and fade
And most anything
Buttercup daisies


Relevant Tags:
JJust LLike YYou ust ike ou uJst iLke oYu kust kike gou kJust kLike gYou Jkust Lkike Ygou iust oike hou iJust oLike hYou Jiust Loike Yhou
must pike 6ou mJust pLike 6You Jmust Lpike Y6ou nust Liike uou nJust Lke uYou Jnust Lkie Yuou hust Ljke 7ou hJust Ljike 7You Jhust Lijke Y7ou
uust L9ke jou uJust L9ike jYou Juust Li9ke Yjou Llke tou Jst Llike tYou Jsut Lilke Ytou Jhst Loke Yoou Yu Juhst Lioke Yuo
J7st Lkke Yku J7ust Ykou Ju7st Likke Yoku Jkst L8ke Y9u L8ike Y9ou Jukst Li8ke Yo9u Jist Luke Y0u Luike Y0ou Juist Liuke Yo0u
J8st Ylu J8ust Lie Ylou Ju8st Liek Yolu Jjst Lile Yiu Jjust Yiou Jujst Likle Yoiu Jyst Lioe Youu

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