Roy Clark
I Need To Be Needed

(Boudleaux Bryant - Felice Bryant)

They say you're too possessed of me
With love like this who wants to be free
I need to be needed I need to be needed
So baby, it's all right with me.

They say you're full of jealousy too
That I can't make a move without you
I need to be needed I need to be needed
So baby, it's all right with me.

Foot loose people
Seem to have a lot of fun
But foot loose people cry a lot
When the party's done.

I need to be needed I need to be needed
So baby, it's all right with me.

So baby, it's all right with me...

Mirror lyrics:

So baby, it's all right with me...

So baby, it's all right with me.
I need to be needed I need to be needed

When the party's done.
But foot loose people cry a lot
Seem to have a lot of fun
Foot loose people

So baby, it's all right with me.
I need to be needed I need to be needed
That I can't make a move without you
They say you're full of jealousy too

So baby, it's all right with me.
I need to be needed I need to be needed
With love like this who wants to be free
They say you're too possessed of me

(Boudleaux Bryant - Felice Bryant)

Relevant Tags:
II NNeed TTo BBe NNeeded eed o e eeded I eNed oT eB eNeded j meed fo ve meeded jI mNeed fTo vBe mNeeded Ij Nmeed Tfo Bve Nmeeded
9 heed 5o ge heeded 9I hNeed 5To gBe hNeeded I9 Nheed T5o Bge Nheeded l jeed ho ne jeeded lI jNeed hTo nBe jNeeded Il Njeed Tho Bne Njeeded
o beed yo he beeded oI bNeed yTo hBe bNeeded Io Nbeed Tyo Bhe Nbeeded k Neeed 6o Bee Neeeded kI Ned 6To B Neded Ik Need T6o Be Needed
8 Nsed go Bs Nseded 8I Nseed gTo Bse Nseeded I8 Nesed Tgo Bes Neseded u N3ed ro B3 N3eded uI N3eed rTo B3e N3eeded Iu Ne3ed Tro Be3 Ne3eded
Nfed Too Bf Nfeded Nfeed T Bfe Nfeeded Nefed To Bef Nefeded Nred Tk Br Nreded Nreed Tko Bre Nreeded Nered Tok Ber Nereded
N4ed T9 B4 N4eded N4eed T9o B4e N4eeded Ne4ed To9 Be4 Ne4eded Nded T0 Bd Ndeded Ndeed T0o Bde Ndeeded Neded To0 Bed Nededed
Nwed Tl Bw Nweded Nweed Tlo Bwe Nweeded Newed Tol Bew Neweded Ti Tio Nede Toi Nedeed
Nesd Nesded Neesd Neesded Ne3d Ne3ded Nee3d Nee3ded Nefd Nefded Neefd Neefded
Nerd Nerded

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