Rupert Hine
Firefly In The Night

Just when I needed a friend
I heard a call from where you are
Guiding fools like children
Soaring on to the promised star
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
Blinding me still
I heard a far-off voice
And I was easily led
Wading deep through waters
Where these hopes could fill my head
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
Blinding me still
And though struck dumb for now
Your heart is only numb

But when the numbness there is done
You'll find it broken
Locked in this vanishing space
I never thought of escape
Searching on for answers
Then I thought I saw your face
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
Blinding me still
Lost in flight

Mirror lyrics:

Lost in flight
Blinding me still
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
Then I thought I saw your face
Searching on for answers
I never thought of escape
Locked in this vanishing space
You'll find it broken
But when the numbness there is done

Your heart is only numb
And though struck dumb for now
Blinding me still
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
Where these hopes could fill my head
Wading deep through waters
And I was easily led
I heard a far-off voice
Blinding me still
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
But it was no more than a firefly in the night
Soaring on to the promised star
Guiding fools like children
I heard a call from where you are
Just when I needed a friend

Relevant Tags:
FFirefly IIn TThe NNight irefly n he ight iFrefly nI hTe iNght cirefly jn fhe might cFirefly jIn fThe mNight Fcirefly Ijn Tfhe Nmight
rirefly 9n 5he hight rFirefly 9In 5The hNight Frirefly I9n T5he Nhight girefly ln hhe jight gFirefly lIn hThe jNight Fgirefly Iln Thhe Njight
tirefly on yhe bight tFirefly oIn yThe bNight Ftirefly Ion Tyhe Nbight virefly kn 6he Niight vFirefly kIn 6The Nght Fvirefly Ikn T6he Ngiht
direfly 8n ghe Njght dFirefly 8In gThe Fdirefly I8n Tghe Nijght Fiirefly un rhe N9ght Frefly uIn rThe N9ight Friefly Iun Trhe Ni9ght
Fjrefly Inn Nlght Fjirefly I Te Nlight Fijrefly In Teh Nilght F9refly Im Tje Noght F9irefly Imn Tjhe Noight Fi9refly Inm Thje Nioght
Flrefly Ih Tue Nkght Flirefly Ihn Tuhe Nkight Filrefly Inh Thue Nikght Forefly Ij Tne N8ght Foirefly Tnhe N8ight Fiorefly Inj Thne Ni8ght
Fkrefly Ib Tbe Nught Fkirefly Ibn Tbhe Nuight Fikrefly Inb Thbe Niught F8refly Tge Nigght F8irefly Niht Fi8refly Thge Nihgt
Furefly Tye Nihht Fuirefly Nihght Fiurefly Thye Nighht Firrefly Thee Niyht Fiefly Th Niyght Fierfly The Nigyht
Fidefly Ths Nibht Fidrefly Thse Nibght Firdefly Thes Nigbht Fi4efly Th3 Nivht Fi4refly Th3e Nivght Fir4efly The3 Nigvht
Figefly Thf Nifht Figrefly Thfe Nifght Firgefly Thef Nigfht Fitefly Thr Nitht Fitrefly Thre Nitght Firtefly Ther Nigtht
Fi5efly Th4 Fi5refly Th4e Nigt Fir5efly The4 Nigth Fifefly Thd Nigjt Fifrefly Thde Nigjht Firfefly Thed Nighjt
Fieefly Thw Nigut Fierefly Thwe Niguht Fireefly Thew Nighut Nignt Firfly Nignht

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