
How can't you see
The wilderness growing free
Time wounded and scarred
Stroking away the years
It's hard to believe
But memories are old ghosts
Mountains of black and gold
Sunsets falling over the moor
Oh, take me there

'S na horo eile, horo bho
'S na horo bho, hillean o
'S na horo eile ho, take me there!

You take your dream
You make life what you feel
Appearances lead to deceive
This drama so far from me

On fact's aching wings
Wild geese fly low over your shore
Hearts sailing over the trees

Oh, take me there!
'S na horo eile, horo bho
'S na horo bho, hillean o
'S na horo eile ho, take me there!

Chì mi 'n t-eilean uaine
Tìr nam beanntann àrda
Ceò a' tuiteam tron a' ghleann
Na shìneadh air do raointeann

Mirror lyrics:

Na shìneadh air do raointeann
Ceò a' tuiteam tron a' ghleann
Tìr nam beanntann àrda
Chì mi 'n t-eilean uaine

'S na horo eile ho, take me there!
'S na horo bho, hillean o
'S na horo eile, horo bho
Oh, take me there!

Hearts sailing over the trees
Wild geese fly low over your shore
On fact's aching wings

This drama so far from me
Appearances lead to deceive
You make life what you feel
You take your dream

'S na horo eile ho, take me there!
'S na horo bho, hillean o
'S na horo eile, horo bho

Oh, take me there
Sunsets falling over the moor
Mountains of black and gold
But memories are old ghosts
It's hard to believe
Stroking away the years
Time wounded and scarred
The wilderness growing free
How can't you see

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