Amazing Things

White clouds cover
The whole of the earth
Concorde flies
Through the skies to the States
Lifetimes in memory, flesh being born
But this is the age of invisible dawn
And the man from the government
Says show me a sign
The mood of the moment
Says have a good time
Through stench and starvation,
Night never falls
There's flies on the skeletons,
Shapes on the wall

As I draw my latest breath
Amazing things are done on earth

And the masters of flattery
Colour the trees
they walk on the oceans,
Put the town under siege
The king of humanity sleeps in despair
Walking out in the morning
With hands in the air
There's zealots in anger,
Divine extremes
Emotional half-lives,
Disposable dreams
Rumours of cease-fire
Inherit the streets
This is the war
Of the pure and the meek

As I draw my latest breath
Amazing things are done on earth

These days are overgrown in truth
Under the sun that's nothing new

But flowers still open,
Flowers still close
Re-arranged molecules,
Miracle cures
And I can still love you,
Call you my own
Till the blooms turn to doubt,
Till the angels come home

As I draw my latest breath
Amazing things are done on earth

Mirror lyrics:

Amazing things are done on earth
As I draw my latest breath

Till the angels come home
Till the blooms turn to doubt,
Call you my own
And I can still love you,
Miracle cures
Re-arranged molecules,
Flowers still close
But flowers still open,

Under the sun that's nothing new
These days are overgrown in truth

Amazing things are done on earth
As I draw my latest breath

Of the pure and the meek
This is the war
Inherit the streets
Rumours of cease-fire
Disposable dreams
Emotional half-lives,
Divine extremes
There's zealots in anger,
With hands in the air
Walking out in the morning
The king of humanity sleeps in despair
Put the town under siege
they walk on the oceans,
Colour the trees
And the masters of flattery

Amazing things are done on earth
As I draw my latest breath

Shapes on the wall
There's flies on the skeletons,
Night never falls
Through stench and starvation,
Says have a good time
The mood of the moment
Says show me a sign
And the man from the government
But this is the age of invisible dawn
Lifetimes in memory, flesh being born
Through the skies to the States
Concorde flies
The whole of the earth
White clouds cover

Relevant Tags:
AAmazing TThings mazing hings mAazing hTings zmazing fhings zAmazing fThings Azmazing Tfhings qmazing 5hings qAmazing 5Things
Aqmazing T5hings smazing hhings sAmazing hThings Asmazing Thhings wmazing yhings wAmazing yThings Awmazing Tyhings xmazing 6hings
xAmazing 6Things Axmazing T6hings Ammazing ghings Aazing gThings Aamzing Tghings Ajazing rhings Ajmazing rThings Amjazing Trhings
Akazing Akmazing Tings Amkazing Tihngs Anazing Tjings Anmazing Tjhings Amnazing Thjings Amaazing Tuings Amzing Tuhings
Amzaing Thuings Amzzing Tnings Amzazing Tnhings Amazzing Thnings Amqzing Tbings Amqazing Tbhings Amaqzing Thbings Amszing Tgings
Amsazing Amaszing Thgings Amwzing Tyings Amwazing Amawzing Thyings Amxzing Thiings Amxazing Thngs Amaxzing Thnigs
Thjngs Amaing Amaizng Thijngs Amaaing Th9ngs Th9ings Amazaing Thi9ngs Amasing Thlngs Thlings
Amazsing Thilngs Amaxing Thongs Thoings

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