Rosie Thomas
Say Hello

If I find him
If I just follow
Would he hold me and never let me go
Would he let me borrow his wool winter coat
I don't know, I don't Know

If I see her standing there alone
At the train station, three stops from her home
I have half a mind to say what I'm thinking anyway
But I don't know, I don't know

There's an airplane in the sky
With a banner right behind
"Loneliness is just a crime
look each other in the eye
And say hello-o-o-o-o
and say hello-o-o-o-o"

M- Hey there. How you doing?
W-Hi, my name is Mary.

Mirror lyrics:

W-Hi, my name is Mary.
M- Hey there. How you doing?

and say hello-o-o-o-o"
And say hello-o-o-o-o
look each other in the eye
"Loneliness is just a crime
With a banner right behind
There's an airplane in the sky

But I don't know, I don't know
I have half a mind to say what I'm thinking anyway
At the train station, three stops from her home
If I see her standing there alone

I don't know, I don't Know
Would he let me borrow his wool winter coat
Would he hold me and never let me go
If I just follow
If I find him

Relevant Tags:
SSay HHello ay ello aSy eHllo zay jello zSay jHello Szay Hjello way uello wSay uHello Sway Huello day nello dSay nHello
Sday Hnello eay bello eSay bHello Seay Hbello xay gello xSay gHello Sxay Hgello aay yello aSay yHello Saay Hyello Heello
Sy Hllo Sya Hlelo Szy Hsllo Hsello Sazy Hesllo Sqy H3llo Sqay H3ello Saqy He3llo Ssy Hfllo Ssay Hfello Sasy Hefllo
Swy Hrllo Hrello Sawy Herllo Sxy H4llo H4ello Saxy He4llo

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