Rosemary Clooney
I Don't Want To Walk Without You Baby

All our friends keep knocking at the door,
They've asked me out a hundred times or more,
But all I say is, "Leave me in the gloom",
And here I stay within my lonely room,

I don't want to walk without you, Baby;
Walk without my arm about you, Baby;
I thought the day you left me behind,
I'd take a stroll and get you right off my mind,
But now I find that
I don't want to walk without the sunshine
Why'd you have to turn off all that sunshine?
Oh, Baby, please come back or you'll break my heart for me,
'Cause I don't want to walk without you
No, siree

Mirror lyrics:

No, siree
'Cause I don't want to walk without you
Oh, Baby, please come back or you'll break my heart for me,
Why'd you have to turn off all that sunshine?
I don't want to walk without the sunshine
But now I find that
I'd take a stroll and get you right off my mind,
I thought the day you left me behind,
Walk without my arm about you, Baby;
I don't want to walk without you, Baby;

And here I stay within my lonely room,
But all I say is, "Leave me in the gloom",
They've asked me out a hundred times or more,
All our friends keep knocking at the door,

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't WWant TTo WWalk WWithout YYou BBaby on't ant o alk ithout ou aby I oDn't aWnt oT aWlk iWthout oYu aBby
j xon't aant fo aalk aithout gou vaby jI xDon't aWant fTo aWalk aWithout gYou vBaby Ij Dxon't Waant Tfo Waalk Waithout Ygou Bvaby
9 eon't 3ant 5o 3alk 3ithout hou gaby 9I eDon't 3Want 5To 3Walk 3Without hYou gBaby I9 Deon't W3ant T5o W3alk W3ithout Yhou Bgaby
l fon't dant ho dalk dithout 6ou naby lI fDon't dWant hTo dWalk dWithout 6You nBaby Il Dfon't Wdant Tho Wdalk Wdithout Y6ou Bnaby
o ron't eant yo ealk eithout uou haby oI rDon't eWant yTo eWalk eWithout uYou hBaby Io Dron't Weant Tyo Wealk Weithout Yuou Bhaby
k con't sant 6o salk sithout 7ou Baaby kI cDon't sWant 6To sWalk sWithout 7You Bby Ik Dcon't Wsant T6o Wsalk Wsithout Y7ou Bbay
8 son't 2ant go 2alk 2ithout jou Bzby 8I sDon't 2Want gTo 2Walk 2Without jYou Bzaby I8 Dson't W2ant Tgo W2alk W2ithout Yjou Bazby
u Doon't qant ro qalk qithout tou Bqby uI Dn't qWant rTo qWalk qWithout tYou Bqaby Iu Dno't Wqant Tro Wqalk Wqithout Ytou Baqby
Dkn't Too Wiithout Yoou Bsby Dkon't Wnt T Wlk Wthout Yu Bsaby Dokn't Wnat To Wlak Wtihout Yuo Basby
D9n't Wznt Tk Wzlk Wjthout Yku Bwby D9on't Wzant Tko Wzalk Wjithout Ykou Bwaby Do9n't Waznt Tok Wazlk Wijthout Yoku Bawby
D0n't Wqnt T9 Wqlk W9thout Y9u Bxby D0on't T9o W9ithout Y9ou Bxaby Do0n't Waqnt To9 Waqlk Wi9thout Yo9u Baxby
Dln't Wsnt T0 Wslk Wlthout Y0u Babby Dlon't T0o Wlithout Y0ou Bay Doln't Wasnt To0 Waslk Wilthout Yo0u Bayb
Din't Wwnt Tl Wwlk Wothout Ylu Bavy Dion't Wwant Tlo Wwalk Woithout Ylou Bavby Doin't Wawnt Tol Wawlk Wiothout Yolu Babvy
Donn't Wxnt Ti Wxlk Wkthout Yiu Bagy Do't Wxant Tio Wxalk Wkithout Yiou Bagby Do'nt Waxnt Toi Waxlk Wikthout Yoiu Babgy
Dom't Wannt Wallk W8thout Youu Bany Domn't Wat Wak W8ithout Yo Banby Donm't Watn Wakl Wi8thout You Babny
Doh't Wamt Wakk Wuthout Yoh Bahy Dohn't Wamnt Waklk Wuithout Yohu Bahby Donh't Wanmt Walkk Wiuthout Youh Babhy
Doj't Waht Waok Witthout Yo7 Babyy Dojn't Wahnt Waolk Wihout Yo7u Bab Donj't Wanht Walok Wihtout You7 Baby
Dob't Wajt Wapk Wifhout Yok Babg Dobn't Wajnt Waplk Wifthout Donb't Wanjt Walpk Witfhout Youk Babyg
Don''t Wabt Wi5hout Yoi Babh Dont Wabnt Wal Wi5thout Dont' Wanbt Walk Wit5hout Youi Babyh
Don'tt Wantt Wall Wihhout Yo8 Bab6 Don' Wan Wihthout Yo8u Bab6y Don't Want Walkl Withhout You8 Baby6
Don'f Wanf Walo Wiyhout Yoj Babu Don'ft Wanft Wiythout Yoju Babuy Don'tf Wantf Walko Wityhout Youj Babyu
Don'5 Wan5 Walm Wi6hout Yoy Bab7 Don'5t Wan5t Walmk Wi6thout Yoyu Bab7y Don't5 Want5 Walkm Wit6hout Youy Baby7
Don'h Wanh Walj Wighout Babj Don'ht Waljk Wigthout Babjy Don'th Wanth Walkj Witghout Babyj
Don'y Wany Wali Wirhout Babt Don'yt Wanyt Walik Wirthout Babty Don'ty Wanty Walki Witrhout Babyt
Don'6 Wan6 Don'6t Wan6t Witout Don't6 Want6 Witohut
Don'g Wang Witjout

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