Rose Maddox
Each Season Changes You

(Ruth Talley - Al Gore - Mel Foree)

Like the weather your heart changes with each season
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
I still wonder why each season changes you.

It was springtime when I found you like the flowers
And our love grew warmer with the summer sun
In the fall I could see our love was changing
It broke my heart to see what wintertime had done.

Like the weather your heart changes with each season
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
I still wonder why each season changes you.

--- Instrumental ---

Came the spring again you said that you were sorry
And the summer brought a golden memories
In the fall I saw your love was changing
And the winter brought the same old misery.

Like the weather your heart changes with each season
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
I still wonder why each season changes you.

--- Instrumental ---

Like the weather your heart changes with each season
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
I still wonder why each season changes you...

Mirror lyrics:

I still wonder why each season changes you...
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Like the weather your heart changes with each season

--- Instrumental ---

I still wonder why each season changes you.
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Like the weather your heart changes with each season

And the winter brought the same old misery.
In the fall I saw your love was changing
And the summer brought a golden memories
Came the spring again you said that you were sorry

--- Instrumental ---

I still wonder why each season changes you.
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Like the weather your heart changes with each season

It broke my heart to see what wintertime had done.
In the fall I could see our love was changing
And our love grew warmer with the summer sun
It was springtime when I found you like the flowers

I still wonder why each season changes you.
Though I know I'll never understand the reason
Springtime summer fall and winter too
Like the weather your heart changes with each season

(Ruth Talley - Al Gore - Mel Foree)

Relevant Tags:
EEach SSeason CChanges YYou ach eason hanges ou aEch eSason hCanges oYu sach zeason fhanges gou sEach zSeason fChanges gYou Esach Szeason Cfhanges Ygou
3ach weason xhanges hou 3Each wSeason xChanges hYou E3ach Sweason Cxhanges Yhou fach deason vhanges 6ou fEach dSeason vChanges 6You Efach Sdeason Cvhanges Y6ou
rach eeason dhanges uou rEach eSeason dChanges uYou Erach Seeason Cdhanges Yuou 4ach xeason Chhanges 7ou 4Each xSeason Canges 7You E4ach Sxeason Cahnges Y7ou
dach aeason Cjanges jou dEach aSeason Cjhanges jYou Edach Saeason Chjanges Yjou wach Cuanges tou wEach Sason Cuhanges tYou Ewach Saeson Chuanges Ytou
Eaach Ssason Cnanges Yoou Ech Sseason Cnhanges Yu Ecah Sesason Chnanges Yuo Ezch S3ason Cbanges Yku Ezach S3eason Cbhanges Ykou Eazch Se3ason Chbanges Yoku
Eqch Sfason Cganges Y9u Eqach Sfeason Cghanges Y9ou Eaqch Sefason Chganges Yo9u Esch Srason Cyanges Y0u Sreason Cyhanges Y0ou Easch Serason Chyanges Yo0u
Ewch S4ason Chaanges Ylu S4eason Chnges Ylou Eawch Se4ason Chnages Yolu Exch Sdason Chznges Yiu Exach Chzanges Yiou Eaxch Sedason Chaznges Yoiu
Eacch Swason Chqnges Youu Eah Chqanges Yo Eahc Sewason Chaqnges You Eafh Seaason Chsnges Yoh Eafch Seson Chsanges Yohu Eacfh Sesaon Chasnges Youh
Eaxh Sezson Chwnges Yo7 Sezason Chwanges Yo7u Eacxh Seazson Chawnges You7 Eavh Seqson Chxnges Yok Eavch Seqason Chxanges Eacvh Seaqson Chaxnges Youk
Eadh Sesson Channges Yoi Eadch Chages Eacdh Seasson Chagnes Youi Eachh Sewson Chamges Yo8 Eac Chamnges Yo8u Each Seawson Chanmges You8
Eacj Sexson Chahges Yoj Eacjh Sexason Chahnges Yoju Eachj Seaxson Chanhges Youj Eacu Chajges Yoy

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