Rosanne Cash
Black Cadillac

It was a black Cadillac
that drove you away
now everybody's talking
but they don't have much to say
It was a black sky of rain
none of it fell
now one of us gets to go to heaven
one has to stay here in hell

It's a lonely world
I guess it always was
minus you
minus blood
my blood

It was a black Cadillac
like one you used to drive
yeah you were always rolling
but those wheels burnt up your life
It's a black heart of pain that I'm wearing
that suits me just fine
'cause there was nothing I could do for you
when you were still alive

It's a lonely world
just a numbers game
feeling just the same
It's a lonely world
I guess it always was
minus you
minus blood
my blood

Mirror lyrics:

my blood
minus blood
minus you
I guess it always was
It's a lonely world
feeling just the same
just a numbers game
It's a lonely world

when you were still alive
'cause there was nothing I could do for you
that suits me just fine
It's a black heart of pain that I'm wearing
but those wheels burnt up your life
yeah you were always rolling
like one you used to drive
It was a black Cadillac

my blood
minus blood
minus you
I guess it always was
It's a lonely world

one has to stay here in hell
now one of us gets to go to heaven
none of it fell
It was a black sky of rain
but they don't have much to say
now everybody's talking
that drove you away
It was a black Cadillac

Relevant Tags:
BBlack CCadillac lack adillac lBack aCdillac vlack fadillac vBlack fCadillac Bvlack Cfadillac glack xadillac gBlack xCadillac
Bglack Cxadillac nlack vadillac nBlack vCadillac Bnlack Cvadillac hlack dadillac hBlack dCadillac Bhlack Cdadillac Bllack Caadillac
Back Cdillac Balck Cdaillac Bkack Czdillac Bklack Czadillac Blkack Cazdillac Boack Cqdillac Bolack Cqadillac Bloack Caqdillac
Bpack Csdillac Bplack Csadillac Blpack Casdillac Blaack Cwdillac Blck Cwadillac Blcak Cawdillac Blzck Cxdillac Blzack
Blazck Caxdillac Blqck Caddillac Blqack Caillac Blaqck Caidllac Blsck Caxillac Blsack Blasck Cadxillac Blwck Caeillac
Blwack Caedillac Blawck Cadeillac Blxck Cafillac Blxack Cafdillac Blaxck Cadfillac Blacck Carillac Blak Cardillac Blakc Cadrillac
Blafk Cacillac Blafck Cacdillac Blacfk Cadcillac Blaxk Casillac Blacxk Cadsillac Blavk Cadiillac Blavck Cadllac Blacvk Cadlilac
Bladk Cadjllac Bladck Cadjillac Blacdk Cadijllac Blackk Cad9llac

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