Safka Melanie
Some Day I'll Be A Farmer

Someday I'll be a farmer, working the land
I wish I was a farmer, to work with my hands
'Cause it's been too long a ride, too high the fare
Well, I built an-climbed a mountain
But it wasn't there
And I been lookin' all around looked everywhere
Well, I built and climbed a mountain
But it wasn't there
It isn't there, dum ta dum
It isn't here, it isn't there, nor anywhere

I'm gonna pick an apple right from the tree
I'm gonna eat the apple 'cause it grew there for me
And it's been to long a ride, too high the fare
Well, I built an-climbed a mountain
But it wasn't there
And I been lookin' all around, looked everywhere
To build and climb a mountain if it isn't there
It isn't there, dum ta dum
It isn't here, it isn't there, nor anywhere

I wish I was a farmer, working the land
Some day I'll be a farmer to work with my hands
'Cause, it's been too long a ride, too high the fare
You know I built and climbed a mountain
But it wasn't there
And I been lookin' all around, looked everywhere
Well, I built an-climbed a mountain, but it wasn't there
And I been lookin' all around, looked everywhere
To build and climb a mountain if it isn't there
It isn't there, dum ta dum
It isn't here, it isn't there, nor anywhere

I wish I was a farmer, working the land
Some day I'll be a farmer to work with my hands
Hah da da ti da ti dum dum ti dum da da da dum

Mirror lyrics:

Hah da da ti da ti dum dum ti dum da da da dum
Some day I'll be a farmer to work with my hands
I wish I was a farmer, working the land

It isn't here, it isn't there, nor anywhere
It isn't there, dum ta dum
To build and climb a mountain if it isn't there
And I been lookin' all around, looked everywhere
Well, I built an-climbed a mountain, but it wasn't there
And I been lookin' all around, looked everywhere
But it wasn't there
You know I built and climbed a mountain
'Cause, it's been too long a ride, too high the fare
Some day I'll be a farmer to work with my hands
I wish I was a farmer, working the land

It isn't here, it isn't there, nor anywhere
It isn't there, dum ta dum
To build and climb a mountain if it isn't there
And I been lookin' all around, looked everywhere
But it wasn't there
Well, I built an-climbed a mountain
And it's been to long a ride, too high the fare
I'm gonna eat the apple 'cause it grew there for me
I'm gonna pick an apple right from the tree

It isn't here, it isn't there, nor anywhere
It isn't there, dum ta dum
But it wasn't there
Well, I built and climbed a mountain
And I been lookin' all around looked everywhere
But it wasn't there
Well, I built an-climbed a mountain
'Cause it's been too long a ride, too high the fare
I wish I was a farmer, to work with my hands
Someday I'll be a farmer, working the land

Relevant Tags:
SSome DDay II'll BBe AA FFarmer ome ay 'll e armer oSme aDy 'Ill eB A aFrmer zome xay j'll ve z carmer zSome xDay jI'll vBe zA cFarmer
Szome Dxay Ij'll Bve Az Fcarmer wome eay 9'll ge q rarmer wSome eDay 9I'll gBe qA rFarmer Swome Deay I9'll Bge Aq Frarmer dome fay l'll ne s garmer
dSome fDay lI'll nBe sA gFarmer Sdome Dfay Il'll Bne As Fgarmer eome ray o'll he w tarmer eSome rDay oI'll hBe wA tFarmer Seome Dray Io'll Bhe Aw Ftarmer
xome cay k'll Bee x varmer xSome cDay kI'll B xA vFarmer Sxome Dcay Ik'll Be Ax Fvarmer aome say 8'll Bs darmer aSome sDay 8I'll Bse dFarmer
Saome Dsay I8'll Bes Fdarmer Soome Daay u'll B3 Faarmer Sme Dy uI'll B3e Frmer Smoe Dya Iu'll Be3 Framer Skme Dzy I''ll Bf Fzrmer
Skome Dzay Ill Bfe Fzarmer Sokme Dazy Il'l Bef Fazrmer S9me Dqy I'lll Br Fqrmer S9ome Dqay I'l Bre Fqarmer So9me Daqy I'll Ber Faqrmer
S0me Dsy I'kl B4 Fsrmer S0ome I'kll B4e Fsarmer So0me Dasy I'lkl Be4 Fasrmer Slme Dwy I'ol Bd Fwrmer Slome Dway I'oll Bde Fwarmer
Solme Dawy I'lol Bed Fawrmer Sime Dxy I'pl Bw Fxrmer Siome I'pll Bwe Fxarmer Soime Daxy I'lpl Bew Faxrmer Somme Dayy Farrmer
Soe Da Famer Soem Day Famrer Soje Dag I'lk Fadmer Sojme Dagy Fadrmer Somje Dayg I'llk Fardmer
Soke Dah I'lo Fa4mer Dahy Fa4rmer Somke Dayh I'llo Far4mer Sone Da6 I'lp Fagmer Sonme Da6y Fagrmer
Somne Day6 I'llp Fargmer Somee Dau Fatmer Som Dauy Fatrmer Some Dayu Fartmer Soms Da7 Fa5mer
Somse Da7y Fa5rmer Somes Day7 Far5mer Som3 Daj Fafmer Som3e Dajy Fafrmer

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