Rory Gallagher
Road To Hell

Soft-soaped on the road to Hell
So many times I've tripped and fell
No chances left
The sky is falling down on me


One step from the demons' fire
Can't stop the train, and flames get higher
Too late to save me
The wall's coming down on me


Broken wishes and broken dreams
Close to the edge, I cut it lean
No regrets
The flame's getting higher on me


Push the tempo, push the time
No excuses, not this time
No way out
The ground's opening up on me

Yeah... oh yeah...

Can you feel the heat?
Coming from the street
Pouring down on me... yeah...

They tried to keep me on a long thin chain
Thanks, but no thanks just the same
You saw it coming
The devil's got the jump on me


Lost soul on the road to Hell
Wind up the motor and ring the bell
No stopping now
The pain's coming down on me


Straight time on the road to Hell
No mercy time at the wishing well
No turning back
The Angels gonna cry on me


Mirror lyrics:


The Angels gonna cry on me
No turning back
No mercy time at the wishing well
Straight time on the road to Hell


The pain's coming down on me
No stopping now
Wind up the motor and ring the bell
Lost soul on the road to Hell


The devil's got the jump on me
You saw it coming
Thanks, but no thanks just the same
They tried to keep me on a long thin chain

Pouring down on me... yeah...
Coming from the street
Can you feel the heat?

Yeah... oh yeah...

The ground's opening up on me
No way out
No excuses, not this time
Push the tempo, push the time


The flame's getting higher on me
No regrets
Close to the edge, I cut it lean
Broken wishes and broken dreams


The wall's coming down on me
Too late to save me
Can't stop the train, and flames get higher
One step from the demons' fire


The sky is falling down on me
No chances left
So many times I've tripped and fell
Soft-soaped on the road to Hell

Relevant Tags:
RRoad TTo HHell oad o ell oRad oT eHll doad fo jell dRoad fTo jHell Rdoad Tfo Hjell 4oad 5o uell 4Road 5To uHell R4oad T5o Huell
goad ho nell gRoad hTo nHell Rgoad Tho Hnell toad yo bell tRoad yTo bHell Rtoad Tyo Hbell 5oad 6o gell 5Road 6To gHell R5oad T6o Hgell
foad go yell fRoad gTo yHell Rfoad Tgo Hyell eoad ro Heell eRoad rTo Hll Reoad Tro Hlel Rooad Too Hsll Rad T Hsell Raod To Hesll
Rkad Tk H3ll Rkoad Tko H3ell Rokad Tok He3ll R9ad T9 Hfll R9oad T9o Hfell Ro9ad To9 Hefll R0ad T0 Hrll R0oad T0o Hrell Ro0ad To0 Herll
Rlad Tl H4ll Rload Tlo H4ell Rolad Tol He4ll Riad Ti Hdll

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