To Die For

How can it hurt, When i feel no pain?
How can it heal, if i look the same?

I've been searching all my mornings, for the last breath of a dream
Are you drowning or just waving, cause im tearing at the seams

I wanna live, and i wanna breathe
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
But i can forgive, cause you bring me believe in something more
Now i only want to live if i can find
Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for

How can you lose, if its not a game?
How can you love, if you're never gonna change?

I've been searching all my mornings, for the last breath of a dream
Are you drowning or just waving, cause im tearing at the seams

I wanna live, and i wanna breathe
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
But i can forgive, cause u bring me believe in something more
Now i only want to live if i can find
Find somebody to die for

Gotta find my way, through this maze of my desire
Come what may, bitter love or wasted time
You might say, i'm chasing shadows in my mind
But theres a light that guides my way to all i live for
Somebody to die for

I wanna live, and i wanna breathe
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
But i can forgive, cause u bring me believe in something more
Now i only want to live if i can find
Find somebody to die for, i need more, i want more, gotta need something more

I wanna live, and i wanna breathe
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
But i can forgive, cause u bring me believe in something more
Now i only want to live if i can find
Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for

Mirror lyrics:

Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for
Now i only want to live if i can find
But i can forgive, cause u bring me believe in something more
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
I wanna live, and i wanna breathe

Find somebody to die for, i need more, i want more, gotta need something more
Now i only want to live if i can find
But i can forgive, cause u bring me believe in something more
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
I wanna live, and i wanna breathe

Somebody to die for
But theres a light that guides my way to all i live for
You might say, i'm chasing shadows in my mind
Come what may, bitter love or wasted time
Gotta find my way, through this maze of my desire

Find somebody to die for
Now i only want to live if i can find
But i can forgive, cause u bring me believe in something more
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
I wanna live, and i wanna breathe

Are you drowning or just waving, cause im tearing at the seams
I've been searching all my mornings, for the last breath of a dream

How can you love, if you're never gonna change?
How can you lose, if its not a game?

Find somebody to die for
Find somebody to die for
Now i only want to live if i can find
But i can forgive, cause you bring me believe in something more
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
I wanna live, and i wanna breathe

Are you drowning or just waving, cause im tearing at the seams
I've been searching all my mornings, for the last breath of a dream

How can it heal, if i look the same?
How can it hurt, When i feel no pain?

Relevant Tags:
TTo DDie FFor o ie or oT iDe oFr fo xie cor fTo xDie cFor Tfo Dxie Fcor 5o eie ror 5To eDie rFor T5o Deie Fror ho fie gor hTo fDie gFor
Tho Dfie Fgor yo rie tor yTo rDie tFor Tyo Drie Ftor 6o cie vor 6To cDie vFor T6o Dcie Fvor go sie dor gTo sDie dFor Tgo Dsie Fdor ro Diie Foor
rTo De Fr Tro Dei Fro Too Dje Fkr T Djie Fkor To Dije Fokr Tk D9e F9r Tko D9ie F9or Tok Di9e Fo9r T9 Dle F0r T9o Dlie F0or To9 Dile Fo0r
T0 Doe Flr T0o Doie Flor

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