The Days Keep Going By

Was it me?
We had a good thing and now it's just me
Writing words that don't mean a thing

What did I do?
I thought you said this wasn't the time for us,
For something so wonderful and true

Do you think about me when you're far away?
Does it hurt you when you think about how...

The days keep going by,
And I keep trying to be someone new
Yeah, the days keep going by
And all I think about is being with you

What's the point?
I'm only talking to myself and for what? -
Just to prove that I'm someone new

Well, I'm like a switch - just a click
And you'll never hear from me
It's so easy when you think about how...


What do I say?
It's hard to keep on caring when you don't respond,
But I don't want to shut you out


Well, the last time you were home
You wouldn't let go (let go) of me, too,
But the days have passed us by,
And all we've gotten is a bad review

The days keep going by,
The days keep going by,
The days keep going by,
No, the days can't say goodbye...

Mirror lyrics:

No, the days can't say goodbye...
The days keep going by,
The days keep going by,
The days keep going by,

And all we've gotten is a bad review
But the days have passed us by,
You wouldn't let go (let go) of me, too,
Well, the last time you were home


But I don't want to shut you out
It's hard to keep on caring when you don't respond,
What do I say?


It's so easy when you think about how...
And you'll never hear from me
Well, I'm like a switch - just a click

Just to prove that I'm someone new
I'm only talking to myself and for what? -
What's the point?

And all I think about is being with you
Yeah, the days keep going by
And I keep trying to be someone new
The days keep going by,

Does it hurt you when you think about how...
Do you think about me when you're far away?

For something so wonderful and true
I thought you said this wasn't the time for us,
What did I do?

Writing words that don't mean a thing
We had a good thing and now it's just me
Was it me?

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDays KKeep GGoing BBy he ays eep oing y hTe aDys eKep oGing yB fhe xays leep hoing vy fThe xDays lKeep hGoing vBy Tfhe Dxays Kleep Ghoing Bvy
5he eays oeep yoing gy 5The eDays oKeep yGoing gBy T5he Deays Koeep Gyoing Bgy hhe fays meep boing ny hThe fDays mKeep bGoing nBy Thhe Dfays Kmeep Gboing Bny
yhe rays jeep voing hy yThe rDays jKeep vGoing hBy Tyhe Drays Kjeep Gvoing Bhy 6he cays ieep foing Byy 6The cDays iKeep fGoing B T6he Dcays Kieep Gfoing By
ghe says Keeep toing Bg gThe sDays Kep tGoing Tghe Dsays Keep Gtoing Byg rhe Daays Ksep Gooing Bh rThe Dys Kseep Ging Trhe Dyas Kesep Giong Byh
Dzys K3ep Gking B6 Te Dzays K3eep Gkoing B6y Teh Dazys Ke3ep Goking By6 Tje Dqys Kfep G9ing Bu Tjhe Dqays Kfeep G9oing Buy Thje Daqys Kefep Go9ing Byu
Tue Dsys Krep G0ing B7 Tuhe Kreep G0oing B7y Thue Dasys Kerep Go0ing By7 Tne Dwys K4ep Gling Bj Tnhe Dways K4eep Gloing Bjy Thne Dawys Ke4ep Goling Byj
Tbe Dxys Kdep Giing Bt Tbhe Kdeep Gioing Bty Thbe Daxys Kedep Goiing Byt Tge Dayys Kwep Das Kweep Gong Thge Dasy Kewep Gonig
Tye Dags Gojng Dagys Gojing Thye Daygs Kepe Goijng Thee Dahs Kesp Go9ng

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