Room Eleven
Forgot The Name

I'm collecting emptiness
Fill the gaps with it
Just like the rest
Want things I don't need
Pile them up

Going places I've seen before
There must be more
But I stand in line to see the view

I forgot the name
And the sound
Of the simple things
That made me spin around

I don't really go that far
Just as far as I can see
No time for stories
Headlines will do

Will I ever have enough?
What is it I really need?
Could it be love?
Where did I put it?
Where did it go?

I forgot the name
And the sound
Of the simple things
That made me spin around
I forgot the name
And the sound
Of the simple things
That make me spin around

I don't want to hum – I want to sing
I don't want to eat – I want to taste
I don't want to smile – I want to laugh
I don't want to whisper – I want to shout
I don't want to walk – I want to run
I don't want to listen – I want to hear you say my name

I forgot the sound
Of you saying it
I forgot it
I forgot it
I forgot it
How you used to make me spin around… around… around

Mirror lyrics:

How you used to make me spin around… around… around
I forgot it
I forgot it
I forgot it
Of you saying it
I forgot the sound

I don't want to listen – I want to hear you say my name
I don't want to walk – I want to run
I don't want to whisper – I want to shout
I don't want to smile – I want to laugh
I don't want to eat – I want to taste
I don't want to hum – I want to sing

That make me spin around
Of the simple things
And the sound
I forgot the name
That made me spin around
Of the simple things
And the sound
I forgot the name

Where did it go?
Where did I put it?
Could it be love?
What is it I really need?
Will I ever have enough?

Headlines will do
No time for stories
Just as far as I can see
I don't really go that far

That made me spin around
Of the simple things
And the sound
I forgot the name

But I stand in line to see the view
There must be more
Going places I've seen before

Pile them up
Want things I don't need
Just like the rest
Fill the gaps with it
I'm collecting emptiness

Relevant Tags:
FForgot TThe NName orgot he ame oFrgot hTe aNme corgot fhe mame cForgot fThe mName Fcorgot Tfhe Nmame rorgot 5he hame
rForgot 5The hName Frorgot T5he Nhame gorgot hhe jame gForgot hThe jName Fgorgot Thhe Njame torgot yhe bame tForgot yThe bName
Ftorgot Tyhe Nbame vorgot 6he Naame vForgot 6The Nme Fvorgot T6he Nmae dorgot ghe Nzme dForgot gThe Nzame Fdorgot Tghe Nazme
Foorgot rhe Nqme Frgot rThe Nqame Frogot Trhe Naqme Fkrgot Nsme Fkorgot Te Nsame Fokrgot Teh Nasme F9rgot Tje Nwme
F9orgot Tjhe Nwame Fo9rgot Thje Nawme F0rgot Tue Nxme F0orgot Tuhe Nxame Fo0rgot Thue Naxme Flrgot Tne Namme Florgot Tnhe Nae
Folrgot Thne Naem Firgot Tbe Naje Fiorgot Tbhe Najme Foirgot Thbe Namje Forrgot Tge Nake Fogot Nakme Fogrot Thge Namke
Fodgot Tye Nane Fodrgot Nanme Fordgot Thye Namne Fo4got Thee Namee Fo4rgot Th Nam For4got The Name Foggot Ths Nams
Fogrgot Thse Namse Forggot Thes Names Fotgot Th3 Nam3 Fotrgot Th3e Nam3e Fortgot The3 Name3 Fo5got Thf Namf Fo5rgot Thfe Namfe
For5got Thef Namef Fofgot Thr Namr Fofrgot Thre Namre Forfgot Ther Namer Foegot Th4 Nam4 Foergot Th4e Nam4e

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