Ronnie Milsap
What A Friend We Have In Jesus

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Oh, what peace we often forfeit?
Oh, what needless pain we bear?
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Oh, can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Oh, take it to the Lord in prayer...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, take it to the Lord in prayer...

Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Jesus knows our every weakness
Who will all our sorrows share?
Oh, can we find a friend so faithful

Take it to the Lord in prayer.
We should never be discouraged
Is there trouble anywhere?
Have we trials and temptations?

Everything to God in prayer.
All because we do not carry
Oh, what needless pain we bear?
Oh, what peace we often forfeit?

Everything to God in prayer.
What a privilege to carry
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a friend we have in Jesus

Relevant Tags:
WWhat AA FFriend WWe HHave IIn JJesus hat riend e ave n esus hWat A rFiend eW aHve nI eJsus ahat z criend ae jave jn kesus aWhat zA cFriend aWe jHave jIn kJesus
Wahat Az Fcriend Wae Hjave Ijn Jkesus 3hat q rriend 3e uave 9n iesus 3What qA rFriend 3We uHave 9In iJesus W3hat Aq Frriend W3e Huave I9n Jiesus dhat s griend de nave ln mesus
dWhat sA gFriend dWe nHave lIn mJesus Wdhat As Fgriend Wde Hnave Iln Jmesus ehat w triend ee bave on nesus eWhat wA tFriend eWe bHave oIn nJesus Wehat Aw Ftriend Wee Hbave Ion Jnesus
shat x vriend se gave kn hesus sWhat xA vFriend sWe gHave kIn hJesus Wshat Ax Fvriend Wse Hgave Ikn Jhesus 2hat driend 2e yave 8n uesus 2What dFriend 2We yHave 8In uJesus
W2hat Fdriend W2e Hyave I8n Juesus qhat qe Haave un Jeesus qWhat Fiend qWe Hve uIn Jsus Wqhat Firend Wqe Hvae Iun Jseus Whhat Fdiend Hzve Inn Jssus
Wat W Hzave I Jsesus Waht Frdiend We Hazve In Jessus Wjat F4iend Ws Hqve Im J3sus Wjhat F4riend Hqave Imn J3esus Whjat Fr4iend Wes Haqve Inm Je3sus
Wuat Fgiend W3 Hsve Ih Jfsus Wuhat Hsave Ihn Jfesus Whuat Frgiend We3 Hasve Inh Jefsus Wnat Ftiend Wf Hwve Ij Jrsus Wnhat Wfe Hwave Jresus
Whnat Frtiend Wef Hawve Inj Jersus Wbat F5iend Wr Hxve Ib J4sus Wbhat F5riend Wre Hxave Ibn J4esus Whbat Fr5iend Wer Haxve Inb Je4sus Wgat Ffiend W4 Havve Jdsus
Wghat Ffriend W4e Hae Jdesus Whgat Frfiend We4 Haev Jedsus Wyat Feiend Wd Habe Jwsus Wyhat Feriend Habve Jwesus Whyat Freiend Wed Havbe Jewsus
Whaat Friiend Ww Hace Wht Frend Wwe Hacve Jeus Whta Freind Wew Havce Jeuss Whzt Frjend Hage Jezus Whzat Frjiend Hagve Jezsus
Whazt Frijend Havge Jeszus Whqt Fr9end Hafe Jewus Whqat Fr9iend Hafve Whaqt Fri9end Havfe Jeswus Whst Frlend Havee Jedus
Whsat Frliend Hav Whast Frilend Have Jesdus Whwt Froend Havs Jeeus Whwat Froiend Havse Whawt Frioend Haves Jeseus
Whxt Frkend Hav3 Jexus Whxat Frkiend Hav3e Jexsus Whaxt Frikend Have3 Jesxus

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