Ronnie Milsap
Who'll Turn Out The Lights (in Your World Tonight)

(Wayne Kemp - Mack Vickery)

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?
Whose shoulder will your head be resting on
Will your hungry arms be reaching for someone you feel you need
Will that need still be there when he's gone
As I reach for the switch that turns out my lights
I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?

Has someone found a secret that I could never find
Is he touching that old switch that I've touched so many times
Is he turnin' on the woman I could never satisfy
I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?

--- Instrumental ---

Has someone found a secret that I could never find
Is he touching that old switch that I've touched so many times
Is he turnin' on the woman I could never satisfy
I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?...

Mirror lyrics:

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?...

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?
Is he turnin' on the woman I could never satisfy
Is he touching that old switch that I've touched so many times
Has someone found a secret that I could never find

--- Instrumental ---

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?
Is he turnin' on the woman I could never satisfy
Is he touching that old switch that I've touched so many times
Has someone found a secret that I could never find

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?
As I reach for the switch that turns out my lights
Will that need still be there when he's gone
Will your hungry arms be reaching for someone you feel you need
Whose shoulder will your head be resting on
I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?

I wonder who'll turn out the lights in your world tonight?

(Wayne Kemp - Mack Vickery)

Relevant Tags:
WWho'll TTurn OOut TThe LLights ((in YYour WWorld TTonight) ho'll urn ut he ights in our orld onight)
hWo'll uTrn uOt hTe iLghts i(n oYur oWrld oTnight) aho'll furn kut fhe kights (iin gour aorld fonight)
aWho'll fTurn kOut fThe kLights (n gYour aWorld fTonight) Waho'll Tfurn Okut Tfhe Lkights (ni Ygour Waorld Tfonight)
3ho'll 5urn 9ut 5he oights (jn hour 3orld 5onight) 3Who'll 5Turn 9Out 5The oLights (jin hYour 3World 5Tonight)
W3ho'll T5urn O9ut T5he Loights (ijn Yhour W3orld T5onight) dho'll hurn 0ut hhe pights (9n 6our dorld honight)
dWho'll hTurn 0Out hThe pLights (9in 6Your dWorld hTonight) Wdho'll Thurn O0ut Thhe Lpights (i9n Y6our Wdorld Thonight)
eho'll yurn lut yhe Liights (ln uour eorld yonight) eWho'll yTurn lOut yThe Lghts (lin uYour eWorld yTonight)
Weho'll Tyurn Olut Tyhe Lgihts (iln Yuour Weorld Tyonight) sho'll 6urn iut 6he Ljghts (on 7our sorld 6onight)
sWho'll 6Turn iOut 6The Ljights (oin 7Your sWorld 6Tonight) Wsho'll T6urn Oiut T6he Lijghts (ion Y7our Wsorld T6onight)
2ho'll gurn Ouut ghe L9ghts (kn jour 2orld gonight) 2Who'll gTurn Ot gThe L9ights (kin jYour 2World gTonight)
W2ho'll Tgurn Otu Tghe Li9ghts (ikn Yjour W2orld Tgonight) qho'll rurn Oht rhe Llghts (8n tour qorld ronight)
qWho'll rTurn Ohut rThe Llights (8in tYour qWorld rTonight) Wqho'll Trurn Ouht Trhe Lilghts (i8n Ytour Wqorld Tronight)
Whho'll Tuurn O7t Loghts (un Yoour Woorld Toonight) Wo'll Trn O7ut Te (uin Yur Wrld Tnight)
Woh'll Trun Ou7t Teh Lioghts (iun Yuor Wrold Tnoight) Wjo'll Thrn Okt Tje Lkghts (inn Ykur Wkrld Tknight)
Wjho'll Tjhe (i Ykour Wkorld Tkonight) Whjo'll Tuhrn Oukt Thje Likghts (in Yokur Wokrld Toknight)
Wuo'll T7rn Oit Tue L8ghts (im Y9ur W9rld T9night) Wuho'll T7urn Tuhe L8ights (imn Y9our W9orld T9onight)
Whuo'll Tu7rn Ouit Thue Li8ghts (inm Yo9ur Wo9rld To9night) Wno'll Tkrn O8t Tne Lughts (ih Y0ur W0rld T0night)
Wnho'll Tkurn O8ut Tnhe Luights (ihn Y0our W0orld T0onight) Whno'll Tukrn Ou8t Thne Liughts (inh Yo0ur Wo0rld To0night)
Wbo'll Tirn Ojt Tbe Ligghts (ij Ylur Wlrld Tlnight) Wbho'll Tiurn Ojut Tbhe Lihts Ylour Wlorld Tlonight)
Whbo'll Tuirn Oujt Thbe Lihgts (inj Yolur Wolrld Tolnight) Wgo'll T8rn Oyt Tge Lihhts (ib Yiur Wirld Tinight)
Wgho'll T8urn Oyut Lihghts (ibn Yiour Wiorld Tionight) Whgo'll Tu8rn Ouyt Thge Lighhts (inb Yoiur Woirld Toinight)
Wyo'll Tjrn Outt Tye Liyhts Youur Worrld Tonnight) Wyho'll Tjurn Ou Liyghts Yor Wold Toight)
Whyo'll Tujrn Out Thye Ligyhts Yoru Wolrd Toinght) Whoo'll Tyrn Ouf Thee Libhts Yohr Wodld Tomight)
Wh'll Ouft Th Libghts Yohur Wodrld Tomnight) Wh'oll Tuyrn Outf The Ligbhts Youhr Wordld Tonmight)
Whk'll Turrn Ou5 Ths Livhts Yo7r Wo4ld Tohight) Whko'll Tun Ou5t Thse Livghts Yo7ur Wo4rld Tohnight)
Whok'll Tunr Out5 Thes Ligvhts You7r Wor4ld Tonhight) Wh9'll Tudn Ouh Th3 Lifhts Yokr Wogld Tojight)
Wh9o'll Tudrn Th3e Lifghts Wogrld Tojnight) Who9'll Turdn Outh The3 Ligfhts Youkr Worgld Tonjight)
Wh0'll Tu4n Ouy Thf Lithts Yoir Wotld Tobight) Wh0o'll Tu4rn Thfe Litghts Wotrld Tobnight)
Who0'll Tur4n Outy Thef Ligthts Youir Wortld Tonbight) Whl'll Tugn Ou6 Thr Yo8r Wo5ld Toniight)
Whlo'll Tugrn Ou6t Thre Ligts Yo8ur Wo5rld Tonght) Whol'll Turgn Out6 Ther Ligths You8r Wor5ld Tongiht)

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