Riding With The Angels

Katie was a kid, I guess she hid her thoughts from everyone
Went to school at eight, she was never late
Didn't know the meaning of fun
Every night Katie prayed to God above
But her daddy gave her everything but love

She woke up one day, said: "I'm on my way"
Her mummy read the letter, It did say:
"I'm on my way, I'm on my way"

Riding with the angels
She's having fun fun fun

Rode around and every boy in town tried to win her back
It was no go, cause she rode with Joe, he was the leader of the pack
People ran for cover when they rolled to town
The night was black, rain on the ground

Engines scream, running too fast
They knew the ride would be there last
They're on their way,
They're on their way

Riding with the angels
She's having fun fun fun

Mirror lyrics:

She's having fun fun fun
Riding with the angels

They're on their way
They're on their way,
They knew the ride would be there last
Engines scream, running too fast

The night was black, rain on the ground
People ran for cover when they rolled to town
It was no go, cause she rode with Joe, he was the leader of the pack
Rode around and every boy in town tried to win her back

She's having fun fun fun
Riding with the angels

"I'm on my way, I'm on my way"
Her mummy read the letter, It did say:
She woke up one day, said: "I'm on my way"

But her daddy gave her everything but love
Every night Katie prayed to God above
Didn't know the meaning of fun
Went to school at eight, she was never late
Katie was a kid, I guess she hid her thoughts from everyone

Relevant Tags:
RRiding WWith TThe AAngels iding ith he ngels iRding iWth hTe nAgels diding aith fhe zngels dRiding aWith fThe zAngels Rdiding Waith Tfhe Azngels
4iding 3ith 5he qngels 4Riding 3With 5The qAngels R4iding W3ith T5he Aqngels giding dith hhe sngels gRiding dWith hThe sAngels Rgiding Wdith Thhe Asngels
tiding eith yhe wngels tRiding eWith yThe wAngels Rtiding Weith Tyhe Awngels 5iding sith 6he xngels 5Riding sWith 6The xAngels R5iding Wsith T6he Axngels
fiding 2ith ghe Anngels fRiding 2With gThe Agels Rfiding W2ith Tghe Agnels eiding qith rhe Amgels eRiding qWith rThe Amngels Reiding Wqith Trhe Anmgels
Riiding Wiith Ahgels Rding Wth Te Ahngels Rdiing Wtih Teh Anhgels Rjding Wjth Tje Ajgels Rjiding Wjith Tjhe Ajngels Rijding Wijth Thje Anjgels
R9ding W9th Tue Abgels R9iding W9ith Tuhe Abngels Ri9ding Wi9th Thue Anbgels Rlding Wlth Tne Anggels Rliding Wlith Tnhe Anels Rilding Wilth Thne Anegls
Roding Woth Tbe Anhels Roiding Woith Tbhe Rioding Wioth Thbe Anghels Rkding Wkth Tge Anyels Rkiding Wkith Anygels Rikding Wikth Thge Angyels
R8ding W8th Tye Anbels R8iding W8ith Ri8ding Wi8th Thye Angbels Ruding Wuth Thee Anvels Ruiding Wuith Th Anvgels Riuding Wiuth The Angvels
Ridding Witth Ths Anfels Riing Wih Thse Anfgels Riidng Wiht Thes Angfels Rixing Wifh Th3 Antels Rixding Wifth Th3e Antgels Ridxing Witfh The3 Angtels
Rieing Wi5h Thf Angeels Rieding Wi5th Thfe Angls Rideing Wit5h Thef Angles Rifing Wihh Thr Angsls Rifding Wihth Thre Angsels Ridfing Withh Ther Angesls
Riring Wiyh Th4 Ang3ls Rirding Wiyth Th4e Ang3els Ridring Wityh The4 Ange3ls

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