Samples, The
Landing On The Sidewalk (let The Light Shine On In...

When it's dark and late at night
I think about the times we've had
Make some room for us to fall
Just in case it all goes bad

Let the light come shining through
Let the light come shining through

If the sun refuses to shine
And our world is hard to see
Take my hand, I'll lead you home
There's a place for you and me

When I think about petals and rain
From the sky, landing on the sidewalk
Coming down...down, down, down

When I think about petals and rain
From the skies, landing on the sidewalk
Make it wash away...gone, gone, gone

When it's dark and late at night
I think about the times we've had
Make some room for us to fall
Just in case it all goes bad

If the sun refused to shine
And our world is hard to see
Take my hand, I'll lead you home
There's a place for you and me

Let the light come shining in
Let the light come shining in
Let the light come shining in
Let the light come shining in

When I think about petals and rain
From the skies landing on the sidewalk
Make it wash away...gone, gone, gone

When I think about petals and rain
From the skies, landing on the sidewalk...

Mirror lyrics:

From the skies, landing on the sidewalk...
When I think about petals and rain

Make it wash away...gone, gone, gone
From the skies landing on the sidewalk
When I think about petals and rain

Let the light come shining in
Let the light come shining in
Let the light come shining in
Let the light come shining in

There's a place for you and me
Take my hand, I'll lead you home
And our world is hard to see
If the sun refused to shine

Just in case it all goes bad
Make some room for us to fall
I think about the times we've had
When it's dark and late at night

Make it wash away...gone, gone, gone
From the skies, landing on the sidewalk
When I think about petals and rain

Coming down...down, down, down
From the sky, landing on the sidewalk
When I think about petals and rain

There's a place for you and me
Take my hand, I'll lead you home
And our world is hard to see
If the sun refuses to shine

Let the light come shining through
Let the light come shining through

Just in case it all goes bad
Make some room for us to fall
I think about the times we've had
When it's dark and late at night

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