Sammi Smith
Manhattan Kansas

(Joe Allen)

Manhattan Kansas ain't no place to have a baby
If you got no man to give it his last name
And my folks back in Manhattan didn't want me or her bundle
So I took my child and caught an evening train.

I got a job in Denver washing dishes in a diner
At least it buys my baby milk to drink
He once told me I was pretty but the only ring it got me
Is the ring of grease that runs around the sink.

Yes I laid beside him gentle cause he told me that he loved me
And he made me dance before the music played
But at least I didn't beg him I'd rather wash my dishes
It makes me feel as if my hands're clean.

At night I stands there thinkin' bout the men back home in Kansas
And how my folks just turned away ashamed
I look down through the soap suds reache down and pulls the drain plug
And watches as Manhattan drains away...

Mirror lyrics:

And watches as Manhattan drains away...
I look down through the soap suds reache down and pulls the drain plug
And how my folks just turned away ashamed
At night I stands there thinkin' bout the men back home in Kansas

It makes me feel as if my hands're clean.
But at least I didn't beg him I'd rather wash my dishes
And he made me dance before the music played
Yes I laid beside him gentle cause he told me that he loved me

Is the ring of grease that runs around the sink.
He once told me I was pretty but the only ring it got me
At least it buys my baby milk to drink
I got a job in Denver washing dishes in a diner

So I took my child and caught an evening train.
And my folks back in Manhattan didn't want me or her bundle
If you got no man to give it his last name
Manhattan Kansas ain't no place to have a baby

(Joe Allen)

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