Sandy Denny
The North Star Grassman And The Ravens

(Sandy Denny)
They stood upon the deck
As the ship went out to sea
The wind it took the sails
And left the land a memory
All upon the shore for
To wonder why the sailor goes
All to close their eyes
And wonder what the sailor knows
That is you to they
That is how they think you are
Never on the land
But sailing by the north star
That is you to them
That is how they think you are
Never on the land

But sailing by the north star
To the tower and to the ravens and
The tale that hopes they'll never leave
What if they should go?
We always dread to think of them
I wonder if they flew one day
And no one ever knew they'd gone
To circle over ships at sea
Claiming yet another son
That is you to me
That is where I think you are
Never on the land
But gone to find the north star

Mirror lyrics:

But gone to find the north star
Never on the land
That is where I think you are
That is you to me
Claiming yet another son
To circle over ships at sea
And no one ever knew they'd gone
I wonder if they flew one day
We always dread to think of them
What if they should go?
The tale that hopes they'll never leave
To the tower and to the ravens and
But sailing by the north star

Never on the land
That is how they think you are
That is you to them
But sailing by the north star
Never on the land
That is how they think you are
That is you to they
And wonder what the sailor knows
All to close their eyes
To wonder why the sailor goes
All upon the shore for
And left the land a memory
The wind it took the sails
As the ship went out to sea
They stood upon the deck
(Sandy Denny)

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNorth SStar GGrassman AAnd TThe RRavens he orth tar rassman nd he avens hTe oNrth tSar rGassman nAd hTe aRvens
fhe morth ztar hrassman znd fhe davens fThe mNorth zStar hGrassman zAnd fThe dRavens Tfhe Nmorth Sztar Ghrassman Aznd Tfhe Rdavens
5he horth wtar yrassman qnd 5he 4avens 5The hNorth wStar yGrassman qAnd 5The 4Ravens T5he Nhorth Swtar Gyrassman Aqnd T5he R4avens
hhe jorth dtar brassman snd hhe gavens hThe jNorth dStar bGrassman sAnd hThe gRavens Thhe Njorth Sdtar Gbrassman Asnd Thhe Rgavens
yhe borth etar vrassman wnd yhe tavens yThe bNorth eStar vGrassman wAnd yThe tRavens Tyhe Nborth Setar Gvrassman Awnd Tyhe Rtavens
6he Noorth xtar frassman xnd 6he 5avens 6The Nrth xStar fGrassman xAnd 6The 5Ravens T6he Nroth Sxtar Gfrassman Axnd T6he R5avens
ghe Nkrth atar trassman Annd ghe favens gThe Nkorth aStar tGrassman Ad gThe fRavens Tghe Nokrth Satar Gtrassman Adn Tghe Rfavens
rhe N9rth Sttar Grrassman Amd rhe eavens rThe N9orth Sar Gassman Amnd rThe eRavens Trhe No9rth Satr Garssman Anmd Trhe Reavens
N0rth Sfar Gdassman Ahd Raavens Te N0orth Sftar Gdrassman Ahnd Te Rvens Teh No0rth Stfar Grdassman Anhd Teh Rvaens
Tje Nlrth S5ar G4assman Ajd Tje Rzvens Tjhe Nlorth S5tar G4rassman Ajnd Tjhe Rzavens Thje Nolrth St5ar Gr4assman Anjd Thje Razvens
Tue Nirth Shar Ggassman Abd Tue Rqvens Tuhe Niorth Shtar Ggrassman Abnd Tuhe Rqavens Thue Noirth Sthar Grgassman Anbd Thue Raqvens
Tne Norrth Syar Gtassman Andd Tne Rsvens Tnhe Noth Sytar An Tnhe Rsavens Thne Notrh Styar Grtassman And Thne Rasvens
Tbe Nodth S6ar G5assman Anx Tbe Rwvens Tbhe Nodrth S6tar G5rassman Anxd Tbhe Rwavens Thbe Nordth St6ar Gr5assman Andx Thbe Rawvens
Tge No4th Sgar Gfassman Ane Tge Rxvens No4rth Sgtar Aned Rxavens Thge Nor4th Stgar Grfassman Ande Thge Raxvens
Tye Nogth Srar Geassman Anf Tye Ravvens Nogrth Srtar Gerassman Anfd Raens Thye Norgth Strar Greassman Andf Thye Raevns
Thee Notth Staar Graassman Anr Thee Rabens Th Notrth Str Grssman Anrd Th Rabvens The Nortth Stra Grsasman Andr The Ravbens
Ths No5th Stzr Grzssman Anc Ths Racens Thse No5rth Stzar Grzassman Ancd Thse Racvens Thes Nor5th Stazr Grazssman Andc Thes Ravcens
Th3 Nofth Stqr Grqssman Ans Th3 Ragens Th3e Nofrth Stqar Grqassman Ansd Th3e Ragvens The3 Norfth Staqr Graqssman Ands The3 Ravgens
Thf Noeth Stsr Grsssman Thf Rafens Thfe Noerth Stsar Grsassman Thfe Rafvens Thef Noreth Stasr Grasssman Thef Ravfens
Thr Stwr Grwssman Thr Raveens Thre Norh Stwar Grwassman Thre Ravns Ther Norht Stawr Grawssman Ther Ravnes
Th4 Norfh Stxr Grxssman Th4 Ravsns Th4e Stxar Grxassman Th4e Ravsens The4 Nortfh Staxr Graxssman The4 Ravesns
Thd Nor5h Starr Thd Rav3ns Thde Sta Grasman Thde Rav3ens Thed Nort5h Star Grassman Thed Rave3ns
Thw Norhh Stad Grazsman Thw Ravfns

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