The Skin I'm In

people say
i need a new direction
people say
that i won't last

people change
opinions with their dresses
i have learned
how to protect

i don't need
to run for cover
always feel
like i am home

i don't care
what people think
it's just because
i like the skin i'm in
come what may
my love is true
it's double shelter
when i'm with you

can't deny
you're scared of their reaction
just understand
what's on my mind

my only fear
is love won't last forever
come over here
and look me in the eye

you don't need
to run for cover
make you feel
like you are home

i don't care
what people think
it's just because
i like the skin i'm in
come what may
my love is true
it's double shelter
when i'm with you

i don't care
what they might think
can't leave you
can't leave the skin i'm in
come what may
you must be true
we stick together
cause i'm in you

you see
people can do you no harm
do you feel
the way i feel
safe in your arms

Mirror lyrics:

safe in your arms
the way i feel
do you feel
people can do you no harm
you see

cause i'm in you
we stick together
you must be true
come what may
can't leave the skin i'm in
can't leave you
what they might think
i don't care

when i'm with you
it's double shelter
my love is true
come what may
i like the skin i'm in
it's just because
what people think
i don't care

like you are home
make you feel
to run for cover
you don't need

and look me in the eye
come over here
is love won't last forever
my only fear

what's on my mind
just understand
you're scared of their reaction
can't deny

when i'm with you
it's double shelter
my love is true
come what may
i like the skin i'm in
it's just because
what people think
i don't care

like i am home
always feel
to run for cover
i don't need

how to protect
i have learned
opinions with their dresses
people change

that i won't last
people say
i need a new direction
people say

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSkin II'm IIn he kin 'm n hTe kSin 'Im nI fhe zkin j'm jn fThe zSkin jI'm jIn Tfhe Szkin Ij'm Ijn 5he wkin 9'm 9n
5The wSkin 9I'm 9In T5he Swkin I9'm I9n hhe dkin l'm ln hThe dSkin lI'm lIn Thhe Sdkin Il'm Iln yhe ekin o'm on yThe eSkin oI'm oIn
Tyhe Sekin Io'm Ion 6he xkin k'm kn 6The xSkin kI'm kIn T6he Sxkin Ik'm Ikn ghe akin 8'm 8n gThe aSkin 8I'm 8In Tghe Sakin I8'm I8n
rhe Skkin u'm un rThe Sin uI'm uIn Trhe Sikn Iu'm Iun Slin I''m Inn Te Slkin Im I Teh Sklin Im' In Tje Soin I'mm Im
Tjhe Sokin I' Imn Thje Skoin I'm Inm Tue Smin I'j Ih Tuhe Smkin I'jm Ihn Thue Skmin I'mj Inh Tne Sjin I'k Ij Tnhe Sjkin I'km
Thne Skjin I'mk Inj

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