Kill Your Radio

Kill your radio
Kill your radio

Waited on the phone line
Play us at the wrong time
Someone said I heard you on the station
I don't need a reply
Wanna do a drive by
On every record label in the nation
Searching for the bright light
Gotta get the sound right
Someone said I heard you and you're breaking
I don't really care why
Zero, zero, point, five
Didn't put us into the rotation

Kill your radio
Can't wait around for the radio
To catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
So catch up with me
Tell me that I'm just fine
Tell me that it's just wine
Sue me then it's just a new creation
I don't really care why
Zero, zero, point, five
Didn't put us into the rotation
I don't really care why
Zero, zero, point, five
Didn't put us into the rotation
I don't need a reply
Wanna do a drive by
Every record label in the nation

Kill your radio
Can't wait around for the radio
To catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
So catch up with me

Kill your radio
Can't wait around for the radio
To catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
So catch up with me
Can't wait around for the radio
To catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
So catch up with me

What the hell happened?
Hey, what'd you do man?
Hahaha, I don't know man

Mirror lyrics:

Hahaha, I don't know man
Hey, what'd you do man?
What the hell happened?

So catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
To catch up with me
Can't wait around for the radio
So catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
To catch up with me
Can't wait around for the radio
Kill your radio

So catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
To catch up with me
Can't wait around for the radio
Kill your radio

Every record label in the nation
Wanna do a drive by
I don't need a reply
Didn't put us into the rotation
Zero, zero, point, five
I don't really care why
Didn't put us into the rotation
Zero, zero, point, five
I don't really care why
Sue me then it's just a new creation
Tell me that it's just wine
Tell me that I'm just fine
So catch up with me
Can't wait around, no I gotta go
To catch up with me
Can't wait around for the radio
Kill your radio

Didn't put us into the rotation
Zero, zero, point, five
I don't really care why
Someone said I heard you and you're breaking
Gotta get the sound right
Searching for the bright light
On every record label in the nation
Wanna do a drive by
I don't need a reply
Someone said I heard you on the station
Play us at the wrong time
Waited on the phone line

Kill your radio
Kill your radio

Relevant Tags:
KKill YYour RRadio ill our adio iKll oYur aRdio lill gour dadio lKill gYour dRadio Klill Ygour Rdadio oill hour 4adio
oKill hYour 4Radio Koill Yhour R4adio mill 6our gadio mKill 6Your gRadio Kmill Y6our Rgadio jill uour tadio jKill uYour tRadio
Kjill Yuour Rtadio iill 7our 5adio iKill 7Your 5Radio Kiill Y7our R5adio jour fadio Kll jYour fRadio Klil Yjour Rfadio
Kjll tour eadio tYour eRadio Kijll Ytour Readio K9ll Yoour Raadio K9ill Yur Rdio Ki9ll Yuor Rdaio Klll Ykur Rzdio
Ykour Rzadio Killl Yokur Razdio Koll Y9ur Rqdio Y9our Rqadio Kioll Yo9ur Raqdio Kkll Y0ur Rsdio Kkill Y0our Rsadio
Kikll Yo0ur Rasdio K8ll Ylur Rwdio K8ill Ylour Rwadio Ki8ll Yolur Rawdio Kull Yiur Rxdio Kuill Yiour Rxadio Kiull Yoiur Raxdio
Youur Raddio Kil Yor Raio Kill Yoru Raido Kikl Yohr Raxio Yohur Kilkl Youhr Radxio Kiol Yo7r Raeio

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