Ron Kenoly
My Quiet Place

Lord, I love
to worship You.
O, Lord I love
to worship You.
You have given me so much
to be thankful for.
And I love You is not enough
to express my love.
Everything I have insite of me
Lord, I give to You.
There is nothing I can do,
there is nothing I can do,
there is nothing I can do,
But worship You!

O, Lord I love
to worship You!
Yes, Lord, I love to worship You.
You have given me so much
to be thangful for
And my words are not enough
to express my love.
So, everything I have inside of me
Lord, I give to You
And there is nothing more to do,
Lord, there is nothing more to do,
There is nothing more to do,
but worship You,
worship You!

Mirror lyrics:

worship You!
but worship You,
There is nothing more to do,
Lord, there is nothing more to do,
And there is nothing more to do,
Lord, I give to You
So, everything I have inside of me
to express my love.
And my words are not enough
to be thangful for
You have given me so much
Yes, Lord, I love to worship You.
to worship You!
O, Lord I love

But worship You!
there is nothing I can do,
there is nothing I can do,
There is nothing I can do,
Lord, I give to You.
Everything I have insite of me
to express my love.
And I love You is not enough
to be thankful for.
You have given me so much
to worship You.
O, Lord I love
to worship You.
Lord, I love

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Mgy 1Quiet Pklace Myg Q1uiet Plkace Mh Quuiet Poace Mhy Qiet Myh Qiuet Ploace M6 Qhiet Ppace M6y Qhuiet Pplace My6 Quhiet Plpace
Mu Q7iet Plaace Muy Q7uiet Plce Myu Qu7iet Plcae M7 Qkiet Plzce M7y Qkuiet Plzace My7 Qukiet Plazce Mj Qiiet Plqce Qiuiet Plqace
Myj Quiiet Plaqce Mt Q8iet Plsce Mty Q8uiet Plsace Myt Qu8iet Plasce Qjiet Plwce Qjuiet Plwace Qujiet Plawce Qyiet Plxce
Qyuiet Plxace Quyiet Plaxce Placce Quet Plae Queit Plaec Qujet Plafe Plafce Quijet Placfe
Qu9et Plaxe Qu9iet Qui9et Placxe Qulet Plave Quliet Plavce Quilet Placve

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