Robin Williamson
Blow Blow Thou Winters Wynd

blow blow thou winters wynd
thou art not so unkind
as man's ingratitude as man's ingratitude
thy tooth is not so keen
because thou art not seen
although thy breath be rude
although thy breath be rude

freeze freeze thou bitter sky
thoudoes not bite so high
as benefits forgot as benefit forgot
though thou the waters werp
thy tooth is not so sharp
as friends remembered not
as friends remembered not

Mirror lyrics:

as friends remembered not
as friends remembered not
thy tooth is not so sharp
though thou the waters werp
as benefits forgot as benefit forgot
thoudoes not bite so high
freeze freeze thou bitter sky

although thy breath be rude
although thy breath be rude
because thou art not seen
thy tooth is not so keen
as man's ingratitude as man's ingratitude
thou art not so unkind
blow blow thou winters wynd

Relevant Tags:
BBlow BBlow TThou WWinters WWynd low low hou inters ynd lBow lBow hTou iWnters yWnd vlow vlow fhou ainters aynd vBlow vBlow fThou aWinters aWynd
Bvlow Bvlow Tfhou Wainters Waynd glow glow 5hou 3inters 3ynd gBlow gBlow 5Thou 3Winters 3Wynd Bglow Bglow T5hou W3inters W3ynd nlow nlow hhou dinters dynd
nBlow nBlow hThou dWinters dWynd Bnlow Bnlow Thhou Wdinters Wdynd hlow hlow yhou einters eynd hBlow hBlow yThou eWinters eWynd Bhlow Bhlow Tyhou Weinters Weynd
Bllow Bllow 6hou sinters synd Bow Bow 6Thou sWinters sWynd Bolw Bolw T6hou Wsinters Wsynd Bkow Bkow ghou 2inters 2ynd Bklow Bklow gThou 2Winters 2Wynd
Blkow Blkow Tghou W2inters W2ynd Boow Boow rhou qinters qynd Bolow Bolow rThou qWinters qWynd Bloow Bloow Trhou Wqinters Wqynd Bpow Bpow Wiinters Wyynd
Bplow Bplow Tou Wnters Wnd Blpow Blpow Tohu Wniters Wnyd Tjou Wjnters Wgnd Blw Blw Tjhou Wjinters Wgynd Blwo Blwo Thjou Wijnters Wygnd
Blkw Blkw Tuou W9nters Whnd Tuhou W9inters Whynd Blokw Blokw Thuou Wi9nters Wyhnd Bl9w Bl9w Tnou Wlnters W6nd Bl9ow Bl9ow Tnhou Wlinters W6ynd
Blo9w Blo9w Thnou Wilnters Wy6nd Bl0w Bl0w Tbou Wonters Wund Bl0ow Bl0ow Tbhou Wointers Wuynd Blo0w Blo0w Thbou Wionters Wyund Bllw Bllw Tgou Wknters W7nd
Wkinters W7ynd Blolw Blolw Thgou Wiknters Wy7nd Bliw Bliw Tyou W8nters Wjnd Bliow Bliow W8inters Wjynd Bloiw Bloiw Thyou Wi8nters Wyjnd
Bloww Bloww Thoou Wunters Wtnd Blo Blo Thu Wuinters Wtynd Blow Blow Thuo Wiunters Wytnd Bloa Bloa Thku Winnters Wynnd Bloaw Bloaw Thkou Witers Wyd
Blowa Blowa Thoku Witners Wydn Blo3 Blo3 Th9u Wimters Wymd Blo3w Blo3w Th9ou Wimnters Wymnd Blow3 Blow3 Tho9u Winmters Wynmd Blod Blod Th0u Wihters Wyhd
Blodw Blodw Th0ou Wihnters Blowd Blowd Tho0u Winhters Wynhd Bloe Bloe Thlu Wijters Wyjd Bloew Bloew Thlou Blowe Blowe Tholu Winjters Wynjd
Blos Blos Thiu Wibters Wybd Blosw Blosw Thiou Wibnters Wybnd Blows Blows Thoiu Winbters Wynbd Blo2 Blo2 Thouu Wintters Wyndd Blo2w Blo2w Tho Winers Wyn
Blow2 Blow2 Thou Winetrs Wynd Bloq Bloq Thoh Winfers Wynx Bloqw Bloqw Thohu Winfters Wynxd Blowq Blowq Thouh Wintfers Wyndx Tho7 Win5ers Wyne
Tho7u Win5ters Wyned Thou7 Wint5ers Wynde Thok Winhers Wynf

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