Robin Thicke
Would That Make U Love Me

If I wasn't who I was
If I wasn't me
Would you stayed next to me in the street
If I changed my hair
Would you then be proud
If I ran out town with a different crowd

Would you be my baby, oh
If I have my money, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh

If I packed this diff and religion
If I spoke my words differently
If I change my tune to your favorite song
Would you wrap your heart around me
If I dig down to the bottom
Could you love me, unconditionally
If I sound like you, when we laugh the same
Did you mind if I hang around

Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh

I can't, make you, (repeat), love….

If I came to you from a different place
If my message finally be heard
If it's just me and you, and no one else
Would you see how much we're the same

Would you be my lover, oh
If I where different color, oh
Could you be my brother, oh
Would that make you love me, oh (11 x)

Mirror lyrics:

Would that make you love me, oh (11 x)
Could you be my brother, oh
If I where different color, oh
Would you be my lover, oh

Would you see how much we're the same
If it's just me and you, and no one else
If my message finally be heard
If I came to you from a different place

I can't, make you, (repeat), love….

Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh

Did you mind if I hang around
If I sound like you, when we laugh the same
Could you love me, unconditionally
If I dig down to the bottom
Would you wrap your heart around me
If I change my tune to your favorite song
If I spoke my words differently
If I packed this diff and religion

Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
Would that make you love me, oh
If I have my money, oh
Would you be my baby, oh

If I ran out town with a different crowd
Would you then be proud
If I changed my hair
Would you stayed next to me in the street
If I wasn't me
If I wasn't who I was

Relevant Tags:
WWould TThat MMake UU LLove MMe ould hat ake ove e oWuld hTat aMke U oLve eM aould fhat jake h kove je aWould fThat jMake hU kLove jMe
Waould Tfhat Mjake Uh Lkove Mje 3ould 5hat kake 7 oove ke 3Would 5That kMake 7U oLove kMe W3ould T5hat Mkake U7 Loove Mke dould hhat nake k pove ne
dWould hThat nMake kU pLove nMe Wdould Thhat Mnake Uk Lpove Mne eould yhat Maake i Mee eWould yThat Mke iU Lve M Weould Tyhat Mkae Ui Lvoe Me
sould 6hat Mzke 8 Lkve Ms sWould 6That Mzake 8U Mse Wsould T6hat Mazke U8 Lokve Mes 2ould ghat Mqke j L9ve M3 2Would gThat Mqake jU L9ove M3e
W2ould Tghat Maqke Uj Lo9ve Me3 qould rhat Mske y L0ve Mf qWould rThat Msake yU L0ove Mfe Wqould Trhat Maske Uy Lo0ve Mef Woould Mwke Llve Mr
Wuld Tat Mwake Llove Mre Wuold Taht Mawke Lolve Mer Wkuld Tjat Mxke Live M4 Wkould Tjhat Mxake Liove M4e Wokuld Thjat Maxke Loive Me4
W9uld Tuat Makke Lovve Md W9ould Tuhat Mae Loe Mde Wo9uld Thuat Maek Loev Med W0uld Tnat Male Lobe Mw W0ould Tnhat Malke Lobve Mwe
Wo0uld Thnat Makle Lovbe Mew Wluld Tbat Maoe Loce Wlould Tbhat Maoke Locve Woluld Thbat Makoe Lovce Wiuld Tgat Mame Loge
Wiould Mamke Logve Woiuld Thgat Makme Lovge Wouuld Tyat Maje Lofe Wold Majke Lofve Wolud Thyat Makje Lovfe
Wohld Thaat Maie Lovee Wohuld Tht Maike Lov Wouhld Thta Makie Love

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