Ringo Starr
All In The Name Of Love

Well, the things you say
And the things you do
Baby, someday will come back on you
It's time to reach and turn another page

You can slip and fall
All along the way
Not much thought about it that I can say
Everybody knows it's all in the name of love

Well, you play the game
But you just can't win
They put you at the back and start all over again

You place your bets
You say it fits you like a glove
Then you dream away
You dream again
Until your dream comes true now, my friend
'Cause everybody knows it's all in the name of love

Said, it's all in the name, all in the name
No matter how you try, it's never, ever the same
It's all in the name, all in the name of love

Some say the man is crazy
Others gentle as a dove
But it's all in the name
(All in the name, all in the name, all in the name)
All in the name of love

It's all in the name, all in the name
No matter how you try, it's never, ever the same
It's all in the game, all in the name of love

Some say the man is crazy
Others gentle as a dove
Everybody knows it's all in the name of love

Yes, it's all in the name, all in the name
No matter how you try, it's never, ever the same
It's all in the game, all in the name of love

Yes, it's all in the name, all in the name
They put you in the back and start all over again
It's all in the game, all in the name of love

Mirror lyrics:

It's all in the game, all in the name of love
They put you in the back and start all over again
Yes, it's all in the name, all in the name

It's all in the game, all in the name of love
No matter how you try, it's never, ever the same
Yes, it's all in the name, all in the name

Everybody knows it's all in the name of love
Others gentle as a dove
Some say the man is crazy

It's all in the game, all in the name of love
No matter how you try, it's never, ever the same
It's all in the name, all in the name

All in the name of love
(All in the name, all in the name, all in the name)
But it's all in the name
Others gentle as a dove
Some say the man is crazy

It's all in the name, all in the name of love
No matter how you try, it's never, ever the same
Said, it's all in the name, all in the name

'Cause everybody knows it's all in the name of love
Until your dream comes true now, my friend
You dream again
Then you dream away
You say it fits you like a glove
You place your bets

They put you at the back and start all over again
But you just can't win
Well, you play the game

Everybody knows it's all in the name of love
Not much thought about it that I can say
All along the way
You can slip and fall

It's time to reach and turn another page
Baby, someday will come back on you
And the things you do
Well, the things you say

Relevant Tags:
AAll IIn TThe NName OOf LLove ll n he ame f ove lAl nI hTe aNme fO oLve zll jn fhe mame kf kove zAll jIn fThe mName kOf kLove Azll Ijn Tfhe Nmame Okf Lkove
qll 9n 5he hame 9f oove qAll 9In 5The hName 9Of oLove Aqll I9n T5he Nhame O9f Loove sll ln hhe jame 0f pove sAll lIn hThe jName 0Of pLove Asll Iln Thhe Njame O0f Lpove
wll on yhe bame lf wAll oIn yThe bName lOf Lve Awll Ion Tyhe Nbame Olf Lvoe xll kn 6he Naame if Lkve xAll kIn 6The Nme iOf Axll Ikn T6he Nmae Oif Lokve
Alll 8n ghe Nzme Off L9ve Al 8In gThe Nzame O L9ove All I8n Tghe Nazme Of Lo9ve Akl un rhe Nqme Oc L0ve Akll uIn rThe Nqame Ocf L0ove Alkl Iun Trhe Naqme Ofc Lo0ve
Aol Inn Nsme Or Llve Aoll I Te Nsame Orf Llove Alol In Teh Nasme Ofr Lolve Apl Im Tje Nwme Og Live Apll Imn Tjhe Nwame Ogf Liove Alpl Inm Thje Nawme Ofg Loive
Ih Tue Nxme Ot Lovve Ihn Tuhe Nxame Otf Loe Inh Thue Naxme Oft Loev Alk Ij Tne Namme Ov Lobe Tnhe Nae Ovf Lobve

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