Ringo Starr
Love First, Ask Questions Later

What could I do when I didn't know
When I was young I was younger
Give me an answer, its yes or no
How can we wait, any longer

So baby, don't forget this
What comes around will go
Maybe you'll regret this
Well, maybe never knows

Love first, ask questions later
Moments pass, they won't wait for the waiter
No one's ever found the power that is greatest
So love first, ask questions later

Nothing but joy in the tears we cry
Nothing but light in around us
Trust in each other as years go by
No that forever has bound us

It ain't so complicated
Its easy after all
It can't be overstated
The writing's on the wall

Love first, ask questions later

From all the masters through all time
There's just one truth we have to find
My love is yours, your love is mine

Baby, don't forget this
What comes around will go
I promise you won't regret this
Tomorrow never knows

Love first, ask questions later

Mirror lyrics:

Love first, ask questions later

Tomorrow never knows
I promise you won't regret this
What comes around will go
Baby, don't forget this

My love is yours, your love is mine
There's just one truth we have to find
From all the masters through all time

Love first, ask questions later

The writing's on the wall
It can't be overstated
Its easy after all
It ain't so complicated

No that forever has bound us
Trust in each other as years go by
Nothing but light in around us
Nothing but joy in the tears we cry

So love first, ask questions later
No one's ever found the power that is greatest
Moments pass, they won't wait for the waiter
Love first, ask questions later

Well, maybe never knows
Maybe you'll regret this
What comes around will go
So baby, don't forget this

How can we wait, any longer
Give me an answer, its yes or no
When I was young I was younger
What could I do when I didn't know

Relevant Tags:
LLove FFirst, AAsk QQuestions LLater ove irst, sk uestions ater oLve iFrst, sAk uQestions aLter kove cirst, zsk auestions kater kLove cFirst, zAsk aQuestions kLater
Lkove Fcirst, Azsk Qauestions Lkater oove rirst, qsk 2uestions oater oLove rFirst, qAsk 2Questions oLater Loove Frirst, Aqsk Q2uestions Loater pove girst, ssk wuestions pater
pLove gFirst, sAsk wQuestions pLater Lpove Fgirst, Assk Qwuestions Lpater tirst, wsk suestions Laater Lve tFirst, wAsk sQuestions Lter Lvoe Ftirst, Awsk Qsuestions Ltaer
Lkve virst, xsk 1uestions Lzter vFirst, xAsk 1Questions Lzater Lokve Fvirst, Axsk Q1uestions Lazter L9ve dirst, Quuestions Lqter L9ove dFirst, Ak Qestions Lqater
Lo9ve Fdirst, Aks Qeustions Laqter L0ve Fiirst, Azk Qhestions Lster L0ove Frst, Qhuestions Lsater Lo0ve Frist, Aszk Quhestions Laster Llve Fjrst, Awk Q7estions Lwter
Llove Fjirst, Q7uestions Lwater Lolve Fijrst, Aswk Qu7estions Lawter Live F9rst, Adk Qkestions Lxter Liove F9irst, Adsk Qkuestions Lxater Loive Fi9rst, Asdk Qukestions Laxter
Lovve Flrst, Aek Qiestions Latter Loe Flirst, Aesk Qiuestions Laer Loev Filrst, Asek Quiestions Laetr Lobe Forst, Axk Q8estions Lafer Lobve Foirst, Q8uestions Lafter
Lovbe Fiorst, Asxk Qu8estions Latfer Loce Fkrst, Aak Qjestions La5er Locve Fkirst, Aask Qjuestions La5ter Lovce Fikrst, Asak Qujestions Lat5er Loge F8rst, Askk Qyestions Laher
Logve F8irst, As Qyuestions Lahter Lovge Fi8rst, Ask Quyestions Lather Lofe Furst, Asl Queestions Layer Lofve Fuirst, Aslk Qustions Layter Lovfe Fiurst, Askl Qusetions Latyer
Lovee Firrst, Aso Qusstions La6er Lov Fist, Asok Qusestions La6ter Love Fisrt, Asko Quesstions Lat6er Lovs Fidst, Asm Qu3stions Lager Lovse Fidrst, Asmk Qu3estions Lagter
Loves Firdst, Askm Que3stions Latger Lov3 Fi4st, Asj Qufstions Larer Lov3e Fi4rst, Asjk Qufestions Larter Love3 Fir4st, Askj Quefstions Latrer Lovf Figst, Asi Qurstions Lateer
Figrst, Asik Qurestions Latr Lovef Firgst, Aski Querstions Latre Lovr Fitst, Qu4stions Latsr Lovre Fitrst, Qu4estions Latser Lover Firtst, Que4stions Latesr
Lov4 Fi5st, Qudstions Lat3r Lov4e Fi5rst, Qudestions Lat3er Love4 Fir5st, Quedstions Late3r Lovd Fifst, Quwstions Latfr Lovde Fifrst, Quwestions
Loved Firfst, Quewstions Latefr Lovw Fiest, Latrr Lovwe Fierst, Quetions Lovew Firest, Quetsions Laterr Firsst, Queztions Lat4r
Firt, Quezstions Lat4er Firts, Quesztions Late4r Firzt, Quewtions Latdr Firzst, Latder Firszt, Queswtions Latedr
Firwt, Quedtions Latwr Firwst, Latwer Firswt, Quesdtions Latewr Firdt, Queetions Late
Firsdt, Quesetions Later Firet, Quextions Lated Quexstions Firset, Quesxtions Laterd Firxt, Queations Late4
Firxst, Queastions Firsxt, Quesations Later4 Firat, Questtions Lateg Firast, Quesions Lategr Firsat, Quesitons Laterg

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