Giving You Back

Robyn/K. Fambro/D. Boynton
Produced by K-Fam


In another time, another life
in another situation I would have made you mine,
would have taken time out
to make sure you´d be fine
I could feel you coming, I knew you would
but I never imagined you´d be so good
and it hurts me so to let you go
I want you to live but I´m not all I wanna´ give
Right now nothing can be right,
right now nothing can be wrong
all I can do is keep believing
that life goes on and on


I´m giving you back, to the ocean
I´m giving you back, to the stars
I´m giving you back, to where you came from
but I´m not forgetting who you are VERSE 2

With you in me I was beautiful
two months of joy, before the impossible
every second I long for the day
when you come back, come back to stay
when the time is right, when there´s no wrong
I´ll be there for you and I´ll be strong
and I promise I´ll be all I can be
I´m still open if you still want me
Right now nothing can be wrong,
right now nothing can be right
all I can do is keep believing
that life goes on and on



You made me see a lot clearer
heaven is not that far
one day i hope to be closer
to be as pure as I know that,
I know that you are

Mirror lyrics:

I know that you are
to be as pure as I know that,
one day i hope to be closer
heaven is not that far
You made me see a lot clearer



that life goes on and on
all I can do is keep believing
right now nothing can be right
Right now nothing can be wrong,
I´m still open if you still want me
and I promise I´ll be all I can be
I´ll be there for you and I´ll be strong
when the time is right, when there´s no wrong
when you come back, come back to stay
every second I long for the day
two months of joy, before the impossible
With you in me I was beautiful

but I´m not forgetting who you are VERSE 2
I´m giving you back, to where you came from
I´m giving you back, to the stars
I´m giving you back, to the ocean


that life goes on and on
all I can do is keep believing
right now nothing can be wrong
Right now nothing can be right,
I want you to live but I´m not all I wanna´ give
and it hurts me so to let you go
but I never imagined you´d be so good
I could feel you coming, I knew you would
to make sure you´d be fine
would have taken time out
in another situation I would have made you mine,
In another time, another life


Produced by K-Fam
Robyn/K. Fambro/D. Boynton

Relevant Tags:
GGiving YYou BBack iving ou ack iGving oYu aBck hiving gou vack hGiving gYou vBack Ghiving Ygou Bvack yiving hou gack
yGiving hYou gBack Gyiving Yhou Bgack biving 6ou nack bGiving 6You nBack Gbiving Y6ou Bnack viving uou hack vGiving uYou hBack
Gviving Yuou Bhack fiving 7ou Baack fGiving 7You Bck Gfiving Y7ou Bcak tiving jou Bzck tGiving jYou Bzack Gtiving Yjou Bazck
Giiving tou Bqck Gving tYou Bqack Gviing Ytou Baqck Gjving Yoou Bsck Gjiving Yu Bsack Gijving Yuo Basck G9ving Yku Bwck
G9iving Ykou Bwack Gi9ving Yoku Bawck Glving Y9u Bxck Gliving Y9ou Bxack Gilving Yo9u Baxck Goving Y0u Bacck Goiving Y0ou Bak
Gioving Yo0u Bakc Gkving Ylu Bafk Gkiving Ylou Bafck Gikving Yolu Bacfk G8ving Yiu Baxk G8iving Yiou Gi8ving Yoiu Bacxk
Guving Youu Bavk Guiving Yo Bavck Giuving You Bacvk Givving Yoh Badk Giing Yohu Badck Giivng Youh Bacdk Gibing Yo7 Backk
Gibving Yo7u Bac Givbing You7 Back Gicing Yok Bacl Gicving Baclk Givcing Youk Backl Giging Yoi Baco Gigving Bacok
Givging Youi Backo Gifing Yo8 Bacm Gifving Yo8u Bacmk

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