Robert Downey, Jr.
Your Move

Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life.
Make the white queen run so fast
she hasn't got time to make you a wife.

'Cause it's time, it's time in time
with your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use.
Move me on to any black square,
Use me any time you want,
Just remember that the gold
'Sfor us to capture all we want, anywhere,
Yea, yea, yea.

Don't surround yourself with yourself,
Move on back two squares,
Send an instant karma to me,
Initial it with loving care
Don't surround

'Cause it's time, it's time in time
with your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit Don't surround

Didda. - Yourself with yourself.
Don't surround yourself with yourself, Don't surround yourself.
Move on back two squares,
Send an instant karma to me, Send an instant
Initial it with loving care Karma to me. Don't surround Yourself.

'Cause it's time, it's time in time
with your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.

'Cause it's time, it's time in time
with your time and its news is captured.

Mirror lyrics:

with your time and its news is captured.
'Cause it's time, it's time in time

Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
For the queen to use.
with your time and its news is captured
'Cause it's time, it's time in time

Initial it with loving care Karma to me. Don't surround Yourself.
Send an instant karma to me, Send an instant
Move on back two squares,
Don't surround yourself with yourself, Don't surround yourself.
Didda. - Yourself with yourself.

Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit Don't surround
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
For the queen to use.
with your time and its news is captured
'Cause it's time, it's time in time

Don't surround
Initial it with loving care
Send an instant karma to me,
Move on back two squares,
Don't surround yourself with yourself,

Yea, yea, yea.
'Sfor us to capture all we want, anywhere,
Just remember that the gold
Use me any time you want,
Move me on to any black square,
For the queen to use.
with your time and its news is captured
'Cause it's time, it's time in time

she hasn't got time to make you a wife.
Make the white queen run so fast
Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life.

Relevant Tags:
YYour MMove our ove oYur oMve gour jove gYour jMove Ygour Mjove hour kove hYour kMove Yhour Mkove 6our nove 6Your nMove
Y6our Mnove uour Moove uYour Mve Yuour Mvoe 7our Mkve 7Your Y7our Mokve jour M9ve jYour M9ove Yjour Mo9ve tour M0ve
tYour M0ove Ytour Mo0ve Yoour Mlve Yur Mlove Yuor Molve Ykur Mive Ykour Miove Yokur Moive Y9ur Movve Y9our Moe Yo9ur Moev
Y0ur Mobe Y0our Mobve Yo0ur Movbe Ylur Moce Ylour Mocve Yolur Movce Yiur Moge Yiour Mogve Yoiur Movge Youur Mofe Yor Mofve

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