Robert Downey, Jr.
5 30

I'm around
I figure it out
So far, so sad
There's a thorn
A cupid's eye
No sides
In landside

That's my love
All falls down
That's why i won't fold
Under fire
Under ground
That's why love don't wash

Been what'S past
You see, i saw the second hand
Thanks Dad
Am i free?
And was that me?
Why is it always 5.30?

That'S why love
All falls down
That's why i won't fold
Love start fire
Rolling under ground
That's why love don't wash down

It was never really bad
I was never that alone
So it wound up where it lead
So it lays beside road

I had barely deeply breathed
I was not the man to feel
So it turned as this as string
And it catches in the wheel

Wouldn't claim it felt unfair
An asylum in my house
I culd not escape his mouth
I could not excape it

For the moment i believe
As my hands adjust your hair
Let my cover blow
I was never real in there
It was just a little scare
I was just a little scared
You were only never here
Just a little bit

Mirror lyrics:

Just a little bit
You were only never here
I was just a little scared
It was just a little scare
I was never real in there
Let my cover blow
As my hands adjust your hair
For the moment i believe

I could not excape it
I culd not escape his mouth
An asylum in my house
Wouldn't claim it felt unfair

And it catches in the wheel
So it turned as this as string
I was not the man to feel
I had barely deeply breathed

So it lays beside road
So it wound up where it lead
I was never that alone
It was never really bad

That's why love don't wash down
Rolling under ground
Love start fire
That's why i won't fold
All falls down
That'S why love

Why is it always 5.30?
And was that me?
Am i free?
Thanks Dad
You see, i saw the second hand
Been what'S past

That's why love don't wash
Under ground
Under fire
That's why i won't fold
All falls down
That's my love

In landside
No sides
A cupid's eye
There's a thorn
So far, so sad
I figure it out
I'm around

Relevant Tags:
55 330 0 5 03 6 40 65 430 56 340 r w0 r5 w30 5r 3w0 t e0 t5 e30
5t 3e0 4 20 45 230

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