Robbie Williams

Often I don't see it when I've been wrong
And boy have I been wrong
Often I won't need it till it's gone
But by then it's gone

Often I make the worst decisions
Say that it's great and I know it isn't so
It's happening so often

Often I won't wake up from a dream
You know I love to dream
And often I don't stand up for what I believe
There's nothing left to believe

So often I make the worst decisions
Say that it's great when I know it isn't so
It's happening so

I often wish that you were here
I could know eventually

Do Do Do Do Doo Doo Do Do Do Doo
Yeah, Yeah

Often I don't see it when I've been wrong
And boy have I been wrong
Often I won't need it till it's gone
But by then it's gone

Often I make the worst decisions
Say that it's great when I know it isn't so
It's happening so
It's happening so

Mirror lyrics:

It's happening so
It's happening so
Say that it's great when I know it isn't so
Often I make the worst decisions

But by then it's gone
Often I won't need it till it's gone
And boy have I been wrong
Often I don't see it when I've been wrong

Yeah, Yeah
Do Do Do Do Doo Doo Do Do Do Doo

I could know eventually
I often wish that you were here

It's happening so
Say that it's great when I know it isn't so
So often I make the worst decisions

There's nothing left to believe
And often I don't stand up for what I believe
You know I love to dream
Often I won't wake up from a dream

It's happening so often
Say that it's great and I know it isn't so
Often I make the worst decisions

But by then it's gone
Often I won't need it till it's gone
And boy have I been wrong
Often I don't see it when I've been wrong

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