Robbie Williams
Ain't That A Kick In The Head

How lucky can one guy be?
I kissed her and she kissed me.
Like a fella once said:
"Ain't that a kick in the head?"

The room was completely black,
I hugged her and she hugged back.
Like a sailor said quote:
"Ain't that a hole in a boat?"

My head keeps spinnin',
I go to sleep and keep grinnin'
If this is just the beginnin'
My life is gonna be beautiful.

I've sunshine enough to spread,
It's just like the fella said.
Tell me quick,
ain't that a kick in the head?

Like the fella once said:
"Ain't that a kick in the head?"

Like the sailor said quote:
"Ain't that a hole in a boat?"

My head keeps spinnin',
I go to sleep and keep grinnin'
If this is just the beginnin'
My life is gonna be beautiful.

She's telling me we'll be wed,
She's picked out a king size bed,
I couldn't feel any better or I'd be sad.

Tell me quick,
Oh, ain't that a kick...?
Tell me quick,
ain't that a kick in the head?

Mirror lyrics:

ain't that a kick in the head?
Tell me quick,
Oh, ain't that a kick...?
Tell me quick,

I couldn't feel any better or I'd be sad.
She's picked out a king size bed,
She's telling me we'll be wed,

My life is gonna be beautiful.
If this is just the beginnin'
I go to sleep and keep grinnin'
My head keeps spinnin',

"Ain't that a hole in a boat?"
Like the sailor said quote:

"Ain't that a kick in the head?"
Like the fella once said:

ain't that a kick in the head?
Tell me quick,
It's just like the fella said.
I've sunshine enough to spread,

My life is gonna be beautiful.
If this is just the beginnin'
I go to sleep and keep grinnin'
My head keeps spinnin',

"Ain't that a hole in a boat?"
Like a sailor said quote:
I hugged her and she hugged back.
The room was completely black,

"Ain't that a kick in the head?"
Like a fella once said:
I kissed her and she kissed me.
How lucky can one guy be?

Relevant Tags:
AAin't TThat AA KKick IIn TThe HHead in't hat ick n he ead iAn't hTat A iKck nI hTe eHad zin't fhat z lick jn fhe jead zAin't fThat zA lKick jIn fThe jHead
Azin't Tfhat Az Klick Ijn Tfhe Hjead qin't 5hat q oick 9n 5he uead qAin't 5That qA oKick 9In 5The uHead Aqin't T5hat Aq Koick I9n T5he Huead sin't hhat s mick ln hhe nead
sAin't hThat sA mKick lIn hThe nHead Asin't Thhat As Kmick Iln Thhe Hnead win't yhat w jick on yhe bead wAin't yThat wA jKick oIn yThe bHead Awin't Tyhat Aw Kjick Ion Tyhe Hbead
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Ani't Tghat Kcik I8n Tghe Hyead Ajn't rhat Kjck un rhe Heead Ajin't rThat uIn rThe Had Aijn't Trhat Kijck Iun Trhe Haed A9n't K9ck Inn Hsad
A9in't Tat K9ick I Te Hsead Ai9n't Taht Ki9ck In Teh Hesad Aln't Tjat Klck Im Tje H3ad Alin't Tjhat Imn Tjhe H3ead Ailn't Thjat Kilck Inm Thje He3ad
Aon't Tuat Kock Ih Tue Hfad Aoin't Tuhat Ihn Tuhe Hfead Aion't Thuat Kiock Inh Thue Hefad Akn't Tnat Kkck Ij Tne Hrad Akin't Tnhat Kkick Tnhe Hread
Aikn't Thnat Kikck Inj Thne Herad A8n't Tbat K8ck Ib Tbe H4ad A8in't Tbhat K8ick Ibn Tbhe H4ead Ai8n't Thbat Ki8ck Inb Thbe He4ad Aun't Tgat Kuck Tge Hdad
Auin't Kuick Hdead Aiun't Thgat Kiuck Thge Hedad

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