Robert Earl Keen
Beats The Devil

I can?t remember when I was here

But I'm back again

I barely know you friend

And everything?s changed

Sun burned up

The sky turned green

The air smelled of gasoline

The soldier boy and teenage queen

Have since become estranged

I keep movin?

Like the wind across the sea

What the hell am I doin?

Beats the devil outta me

Mirror lyrics:

Beats the devil outta me

What the hell am I doin?

Like the wind across the sea

I keep movin?

Have since become estranged

The soldier boy and teenage queen

The air smelled of gasoline

The sky turned green

Sun burned up

And everything?s changed

I barely know you friend

But I'm back again

I can?t remember when I was here

Relevant Tags:
BBeats TThe DDevil eats he evil eBats hTe eDvil veats fhe xevil vBeats fThe xDevil Bveats Tfhe Dxevil geats 5he eevil
gBeats 5The eDevil Bgeats T5he Deevil neats hhe fevil nBeats hThe fDevil Bneats Thhe Dfevil heats yhe revil hBeats yThe rDevil
Bheats Tyhe Drevil Beeats 6he cevil Bats 6The cDevil Baets T6he Dcevil Bsats ghe sevil Bseats gThe sDevil Besats Tghe Dsevil
B3ats rhe B3eats rThe Dvil Be3ats Trhe Dveil Bfats Dsvil Bfeats Te Befats Teh Desvil Brats Tje D3vil
Breats Tjhe D3evil Berats Thje De3vil B4ats Tue Dfvil B4eats Tuhe Be4ats Thue Defvil Bdats Tne Drvil Bdeats Tnhe
Bedats Thne Dervil Bwats Tbe D4vil Bweats Tbhe D4evil Bewats Thbe De4vil Beaats Tge Ddvil Bets Ddevil Betas Thge Dedvil
Bezts Tye Dwvil Bezats Dwevil Beazts Thye Dewvil Beqts Thee Devvil Beqats Th Deil Beaqts The Deivl Bests Ths Debil
Thse Debvil

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