Rock Star Supernova
Be Yourself (and 5 Other Cliches)

Be yourself
And not somebody else
It might take some a little effort
And maybe just a little help
But you can figure it out
If not
Just do what everybody else does....

Oh, keep it on the level (if that's what I'm supposed to do)
Keep on the level (if that's what they told me to)
I keep on getting in trouble
If I try to take this side of the road

So here's you're hey hey hey (hey!), here's your ho ho ho (ho!)
I don't know where else to go
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
it's a line that I don't want to toe...
I'm sick of being haunted by every cliché that I know

Keep it real
Whatever that means
Even if your so young you've never seen a limousine
Your gonna one day
Just remember
Never get in
And don't give up
‘Cause you know people are gonna care
If you just stop trying
And accept every dare
And if you can't seem to make it
Maybe, maybe you should just try failure

Oh, keep it on the level (if that's what I'm supposed to do)
Oh, keep on the level (if that's the thing they told me to)
I keep on getting in trouble
if I try to take this side of the road

So here's your hey hey hey (hey!), here's your ho ho ho (ho!)
I don't know where else to go
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
It's a line that I don't want to know
I'm sick of being haunted by every cliché that I know

Oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh...
oh oh oh oh, oh aaaah!

Here's your hey hey hey (hey!), here's you ho ho ho (ho!)
I don't know where else to go
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
it's a line that I don't want to know

So here's your hey hey hey (hey!), here's your ho ho ho (ho!)
I don't know where else to go
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
It's a line that I don't want to know
I'm sick of being haunted by every cliché that I know
Oh oh...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh oh...
I'm sick of being haunted by every cliché that I know
It's a line that I don't want to know
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
I don't know where else to go
So here's your hey hey hey (hey!), here's your ho ho ho (ho!)

it's a line that I don't want to know
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
I don't know where else to go
Here's your hey hey hey (hey!), here's you ho ho ho (ho!)

oh oh oh oh, oh aaaah!
oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh...
Oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh

I'm sick of being haunted by every cliché that I know
It's a line that I don't want to know
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
I don't know where else to go
So here's your hey hey hey (hey!), here's your ho ho ho (ho!)

if I try to take this side of the road
I keep on getting in trouble
Oh, keep on the level (if that's the thing they told me to)
Oh, keep it on the level (if that's what I'm supposed to do)

Maybe, maybe you should just try failure
And if you can't seem to make it
And accept every dare
If you just stop trying
‘Cause you know people are gonna care
And don't give up
Never get in
Just remember
Your gonna one day
Even if your so young you've never seen a limousine
Whatever that means
Keep it real

I'm sick of being haunted by every cliché that I know
it's a line that I don't want to toe...
There's a really fine line between what's yours and what's mine
I don't know where else to go
So here's you're hey hey hey (hey!), here's your ho ho ho (ho!)

If I try to take this side of the road
I keep on getting in trouble
Keep on the level (if that's what they told me to)
Oh, keep it on the level (if that's what I'm supposed to do)

Just do what everybody else does....
If not
But you can figure it out
And maybe just a little help
It might take some a little effort
And not somebody else
Be yourself

Relevant Tags:
BBe YYourself ((and 55 OOther CCliches) e ourself and ther liches) eB oYurself a(nd 5 tOher lCiches) ve gourself (aand 6 kther fliches) vBe gYourself (nd 65 kOther fCliches)
Bve Ygourself (nad 56 Okther Cfliches) ge hourself (znd r 9ther xliches) gBe hYourself (zand r5 9Other xCliches) Bge Yhourself (aznd 5r O9ther Cxliches) ne 6ourself (qnd t 0ther vliches)
nBe 6Yourself (qand t5 0Other vCliches) Bne Y6ourself (aqnd 5t O0ther Cvliches) he uourself (snd 4 lther dliches) hBe uYourself (sand 45 lOther dCliches) Bhe Yuourself (asnd 54 Olther Cdliches)
Bee 7ourself (wnd ither Clliches) B 7Yourself (wand iOther Ciches) Be Y7ourself (awnd Oither Cilches) Bs jourself (xnd Otther Ckiches) Bse jYourself (xand Oher Ckliches)
Bes Yjourself (axnd Ohter Clkiches) B3 tourself (annd Ofher Coiches) B3e tYourself (ad Ofther Coliches) Be3 Ytourself (adn Otfher Cloiches) Bf Yoourself (amd O5her Cpiches)
Bfe Yurself (amnd O5ther Cpliches) Bef Yuorself (anmd Ot5her Clpiches) Br Ykurself (ahd Ohher Cliiches) Bre Ykourself (ahnd Ohther Clches) Ber Yokurself (anhd Othher Clcihes)
B4 Y9urself (ajd Oyher Cljches) B4e Y9ourself (ajnd Oyther Cljiches) Be4 Yo9urself (anjd Otyher Clijches) Bd Y0urself (abd O6her Cl9ches) Bde Y0ourself (abnd O6ther Cl9iches)
Bed Yo0urself (anbd Ot6her Cli9ches) Bw Ylurself (andd Ogher Cllches) Bwe Ylourself (an Ogther Bew Yolurself (and Otgher Clilches) Yiurself (anx Orher Cloches)
Yiourself (anxd Orther Yoiurself (andx Otrher Clioches) Youurself (ane Clkches) Yorself (aned Oter Yoruself (ande Otehr Clikches)
Yohrself (anf Otjer Cl8ches) Yohurself (anfd Otjher Cl8iches) Youhrself (andf Othjer Cli8ches) Yo7rself (anr Otuer Cluches) Yo7urself (anrd Otuher Cluiches)
You7rself (andr Othuer Cliuches) Yokrself (anc Otner Clicches) (ancd Otnher Clihes) Youkrself (andc Othner Clihces) Yoirself (ans Otber Clifhes)
(ansd Otbher Clifches) Youirself (ands Othber Clicfhes) Yo8rself Otger Clixhes) Yo8urself Clixches) You8rself Othger Clicxhes)
Yojrself Otyer Clivhes) Yojurself Clivches) Youjrself Othyer Clicvhes) Yoyrself Otheer Clidhes) Yoyurself Othr Clidches)
Youyrself Othre Clicdhes) Yourrself Othsr Clichhes) Youself Othser Clices) Yousrelf Othesr Clicehs) Youdself Oth3r Clicjes)
Youdrself Oth3er Clicjhes) Yourdself Othe3r Clichjes) You4self Othfr Clicues) You4rself Othfer Clicuhes) Your4self Othefr Clichues)
Yougself Othrr Clicnes) Yougrself Othrer Clicnhes) Yourgself Otherr Clichnes) Youtself Oth4r Clicbes) Youtrself Oth4er Clicbhes)

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